Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam 2. 

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"Adding a small amount of carbon into the mix, the plasmatic shot is attracted to organic matter giving the projectiles a homing feature. Very useful if you want to hit a target which is partially hidden by an inanimate object."
Serious Sam 2 manual[src]

The Zap Gun, or Hydro-Plasmatic Handgun[1], is a chargeable energy weapon introduced in Serious Sam 2. It is used by various NPCs (except for ChiChes) and Serious Sam throughout the game.


The Zap Gun is an energy weapon powered by plasma (along with a small amount of carbon added into it).[1] The weapon fires a single projectile each time the fire key is pressed. The power of the projectile is determinant on how long the fire key is held down; if the weapon is simply fired, the projectile will be very weak, but if the fire key is held down to its maximum, the projectile becomes much more powerful and deals a higher damage output. Also, if the Zap Gun is charged to the max, it will automatically fire the projectile after charging is done.

The projectile fired by the Zap Gun can home in on enemies, as well as fly past corners to get to a target.

As a starter weapon, the player will always have the Zap Gun in their inventory.


  • The Zap Gun projectile's limited homing ability makes it useful against fast enemies at short range, as the projectile can get the enemy even if the player misses the original shot.
  • Uncharged Zap Gun shots are almost useless, as simply firing uncharged projectiles has a lower rate of fire than the Colt Anaconda and it takes time for projectiles to get to a target.
  • Charged up shots can be useful against weak stationary targets, such as small yellow Scorpion Soldiers. It usually takes about two or so charged shots to down a weak enemy, and firing two charged shots is almost as fast as emptying the Anaconda's magazine.
  • Charged up Zap Gun shots are almost useless against multiple medium or strong enemies (like groups of Kleer Skeletons), as charging up shots gives the weapon a low firing rate, which can be fatal when trying to fight off multiple enemies.
  • With the combo weapons system, dual-wielded Zap Guns can prove useful if the player is running low on ammo for their other weapons.

Behind the scenes[]

  • An early version of the Zap Gun featured a different screen texture with a more clearer version of the Serious Sam logo, as well as a display for what appears to be (presumably) the weapon's charge level.


  • The Zap Gun's model almost shares similarities with the Plasma Pistol from the Halo series, as both are energy pistols that can be charged to fire a more powerful projectile, with the main difference being that the Plasma Pistol's max charge shot delivers an electromagnetic pulse that disables vehicles.
  • Like the SOP38 Pistol and Mini-Nuke, the Zap Gun has the Serious Sam logo on it.
  • Oddly, the Zap Gun fires yellow projectiles when fired by the player, while ones fired by NPCs are blue. It's possible they use a different variant of the weapon or use different ammunition for it, but nothing has been confirmed thus far.




List of appearances[]

