Serious Sam Wiki

The XL-808 Plasma Rifle is an automatic energy weapon that appears in Serious Sam 2.


Taking a lot of design cues from the smaller ZaP Gun, the engineers managed to incorporate a unique cold fusion generator and situate it at the front of the plasma rifle. Same as the zap gun, with its integrated molecules of carbon, the plasmatic shot is able to "stick" to the nearest organic matter (excluding the operator), giving it a slight homing ability. The XL-808 proves to be very useful for covering large areas and holding enemy masses away.[1]

The plasma rifle fires blue projectiles at a somewhat-fast rate. These projectiles fire at average speed, but are much more powerful than even rounds fired from the XM214-A Minigun. The rifle uses blue plasma as ammunition.

When the rifle is fired, the ampoules are pushed inwards, going from the front of the weapon to the back, to unleash the plasma bolts. Once the weapon's ammo starts to run out, the ampoules are then pushed permanently inwards until ammo is replenished.


The weapon is rare compared to others seen in the game. It only appears on two planets; Magnor (Deadwood level) and Sirius (Siriusopolis Uptown and Siriusopolis Downtown levels).


  • The plasma rifle is very effective against strong enemies such as the Albino Cyclops and T-Mech. Its rate of fire and amount of damage allows it to quickly shred them to pieces.
  • The plasma rifle is not effective against small and/or fast moving targets such as Floaters and Yagoda the Witch because its projectiles take some time to reach a target. While it usually takes a few shots to kill those enemies with the plasma rifle, the player wastes too much ammo trying to kill one because of their erratic movement. Switching to a bullet-firing weapon usually produces much better results because bullets will hit something as soon as they are shot from a gun.
  • It is also not very effective against enemies that tend to move around while the player is at long range, such as the Kozak Helicopter. The projectiles fired by the rifle will be too slow to hit the target before the target manages to move away from where the crosshair is pointed at.
  • The plasma rifle is an excellent way to conserve ammo for bullet-firing weapons, such as the Uzi or the minigun. It is more powerful as they are against groups of weak or medium-strength enemies, but uses a separate ammo source. This lets the player defeat enemies while preserving bullets for enemies that need a bullet-firing weapon's insta-hit nature to quickly kill them, such as Yagoda the Witch or enemies that are moving around at long range.
  • Unless Serious Damage is active, the weapon is dual-wielded, or both, the plasma rifle is only ineffective against enemies with an extremely large amount of health, such as the largest version of The General and the large Spider Mechanoid. The plasma rifle doesn't do enough damage per hit to quickly take them down, even though it has a good rate of fire.

Behind the scenes[]

  • An early model for plasma rifle had a strong resemblance to the XL2 Lasergun.


  • The plasma rifle's image on its ammo counter is the electricity from Serious Sam 1.




List of appearances[]

