The Uzi is an automatic submachine gun that appears in Serious Sam 2. It replaces the Thompson submachine gun from Sam's previous adventures.
The uzi is an automatic weapon that fires 5.56mm rounds. It fires a single bullet every time the fire key is pressed. Like the Thompson, its accuracy is perfect, and the gun doesn't need to be reloaded. This allows the player to hit enemies at long range with little accuracy drop.
In pre-Update 2.90 builds of Serious Sam 2, Sam always held two of them at once, which doubled the Uzi's fire rate from 300 RPM to 600. As of Update 2.90, the weapon's firing rate has been doubled, and Sam can hold one Uzi instead of two at once, although the damage per bullet has been reduced to just 9 and later 8.
The uzi is a common weapon that appears multiple times throughout the game. It is first obtained in Ursul Suburbs. It later appears in either the first, second, or third levels in subsequent episodes except for Kronor, where it is replaced by the XM214-A Minigun.
- If the player switches from the Colt Anaconda to the uzi, then Sam will hold one uzi and one Anaconda. The Anaconda can be fired by hitting the primary fire key, while the uzi can be fired by hitting the alternate fire key.
- The uzi works best when used against hordes of weak and medium-strength enemies, such as Beheaded Kamikazes and Clowns. Its fire rate is fast enough to dispatch them without wasting ammo and it does enough damage to quickly thin out the group.
- The uzi also works well against weak flying enemies, such as the Floater and Yagoda the Witch. Its insta-hit bullets and great accuracy allow the player to hit them as soon as they appear in the player's crosshair, which can be very useful if the enemy is fast.
- Its low damage makes the uzi ineffective against strong enemies or large groups of medium-strength enemies like Kleer Skeletons, so the player should swap it out for a stronger weapon, use RB-45 Hand Grenades, or use it in tandem with a stronger weapon like the XM214-A Minigun, XL-808 Plasma Rifle, or Beam Gun if a tough enemy is encountered.
Behind the scenes[]
- The uzi's screen had a different display in early versions of the game. This was changed in the final version.
- The uzi in-game is actually a mini-uzi.
- The uzi using 5.56mm ammunition is a little bit of an oddity. The uzi in real-life uses 9x19mm ammunition, and 5.56mm ammunition would be too large to fire out of a small machine-pistol like the uzi. The minigun also fires 5.56mm ammunition, so its likely that the uzi sharing the same ammunition was purely a game design choice or an oversight.
- The weapon's screen has the Serious Sam logo displayed on it.
- The text on the side of the right uzi reads "Micro Suzi Pistol". The same text is reversed on the left uzi.
- If the player tries rapidly switching between the zap gun and uzi in the pre-Update 2.90 version, they can get a uzi ammo counter to briefly appear on the bottom left of the HUD (Where the combo weapon ammo counter is post-update), it is seemingly possible to properly dual-wield them though as this will only appear briefly and Sam will still equip the zap gun/uzis on their own.
List of appearances[]
- Serious Sam 2 (First appearance) (non-canonical appearance)