Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.  This subject is from the Mental War era. 

The TCC-2 "Perun" Crossbow is a powerful long ranged sniper weapon introduced in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem. It combines the RAPTOR Sniper Rifle's long range and high accuracy with the A-24 Devastator's deadly piercing firepower. It is very effective against targets from a distance and has piercing capabilties, which can allow the player to take out multiple enemies with a single bolt if the weapon is aimed precisely.


Named after the Slavic God of lightning and thunder, this military-grade crossbow utilizes all the latest achievements of modern weapons development, despite being modeled on a comparatively old weapon design. The crossbow combines an electronic loading device with a pneumatic launch mechanism and shoots metallic bolts. Its body and strings are made of nickel-steel alloy, allowing for increased durability and strength.[1]

The electronic converter increased kinetic energy results in remarkable bolt speeds, which in turn leads to an accumulation of electrical energy that is unleashed on the target upon impact. The sniper scope is the final addition to transforming the Perun from a normal crossbow into a lethal weapon.[1]

The crossbow fires a single bolt every time the fire key is pressed. There is a slight delay before the weapon can be fired again while the weapon loads another bolt. Once the bolt has been primed, the weapon can be fired again. The bolts fired by the crossbow are extremely accurate and are able to pierce through multiple enemies at once, similar to cannonballs fired from the SBC Cannon and the projectiles from the A-24 Devastator. The bolts are very powerful and can result in instant death to medium-sized or even large creatures in Mental's Horde if they are shot in the head with the crossbow. Furthermore, it is possible to finish off several enemies in a row by delivering headshots with the crossbow, but this of course depends on the player's timing and requires precision. If an enemy is killed with the crossbow, an electrical effect can also be observed on their remains.

Like the Devastator and the RAPTOR, the crossbow can be zoomed in by pressing the secondary fire key. The crossbow can also be dual-wielded if the player has unlocked the Dual Wield With a Vengeance skill. While this results in twice the firepower, the player cannot use the weapon's scope when it is dual-wielded.


The crossbow is only acquired once in the campaign. It is given to the player in the chapter Siberiade by One-Eyed Olga after helping her defend the church from Mental's troops. Ammunition for it is quite scarce, but is more common when playing on New Game+ modes, since the player can carry more ammunition for it and more crossbow bolts are given when the player picks up ammunition.


Behind the scenes[]

  • The crossbow was meant to appear in Serious Sam 4 at one point. Its model is more akin to that of a medieval crossbow compared to the one that appears in Siberian Mayhem. Its model can be found in the game files.

Related achievements[]

Achievement Line up, please!
Line up, please! 20 Gscore Ps 3 bronze
Kill 5 enemies with one Crossbow shot


  • This weapon seems to be visually based on the FN P90 submachine gun with its casing extractor working as a built-in magazine.
  • Unlike most other weapons in the game, the crossbow uses the generic weapon pickup sound introduced in Serious Sam 3: BFE when collected. This is also the case with the sniper rifle it replaces.


List of appearances[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 NETRICSA description