Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Next Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam Advance. This subject appears in Serious Sam 2.  This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 3: BFE. This subject appears in Serious Sam's Bogus Detour.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 4.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.  This subject is from the Mental War era. 

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"The gods have perished. And men built great temples on their graves. Only the Oracle has remained."
―Hieroglyphic text depicting the fate of the Sirians on Earth[src]

The Sirians are a extinct race of advanced, extraterrestrial humanoids that originated from the planet Sirius. They had a profound impact on humanity, and are mentioned many times throughout the series. They play a pivotal role in several of the main titles, most notably in Serious Sam: The First Encounter, Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, and Serious Sam 3: BFE, as most of the games' events revolve around them.

The Sirians became extinct during Mental's genocidal campaign throughout the universe. They now serve as resurrected foot soldiers in his army, often as cannon-fodder or for suicidal attacks.


The Sirians were a humanoid race that were very similar to humans in appearance. Based on their description in the series' official backstory, they looked almost identical to the latter race, but were a bit taller. Unlike humans, they knew how to use both magic as well as technology, which gave them an edge over humans. Very little was known about the life expecntancy of a Sirian, though due to their superior technology, it was likely longer than the average human lifespan.

One Sirian, known as The Oracle, was very tall compared to other Sirians seen so far in the series. He stood at least 10 feet tall, had greyish skin and crystal blue eyes.[1] Compared to the beheaded soldiers who were also originally Sirians, it is unknown if the Oracle was the Sirians' true appearance or if it was a different species or subspecies that originated from their homeworld.


Anubis Generator

A Sirian plasma generator.

Compared to humans, the Sirians were far more superior in terms of technology, and also had proficiency with the use of magic. They were capable of constructing massive machines, such as generators powered by plasma, something that humans would struggle to construct, even with today's technology.

The Holy Grail, an ancient treasure from Arthurian literature, may have had a connection with the Sirians, or was even made by them.[2] In the Serious Sam: The Second Encounter timeline, Sam Stone obtains the Grail in the Church of Sacred Blood.[3] This artifact was used to power up the backup spaceship that the Sirians left in there, while the Grail left in a church in Carcassonne, the 'False Grail' seemed to have a far more sinister purpose. The strange artifact left in Carcassonne also looked nothing like a Grail, but resembled a rod made of an unknown metallic material with the figure of a snake wrapped around it. Touching the rod would cause the snake figure to bite the wielder, and the bite would cause a mutagenic effect to occur inside the user's body and transform them into a monstrous humanoid creature, as was seen what happened to Howard Brand.[4]


It is unknown what weapons the Sirians used, though the Sirian soldiers that serve in Mental's army are seen using a variety of weapons. Shortly after Mental invaded Sirius and during the final days of the Sirian Resistance, the Sirians used cheap, handheld guns that were powered by magic, and fired magic missiles.[5]

After the Sirian fighters were executed and reanimated to serve as foot soldiers, Mental armed them with weapons that were best suited for their needs. For the Beheaded Firecracker and the Beheaded Rocketeer, they are equipped with the same weapons that, ironically, they used to fight against Mental's forces prior to their execution. Beheaded Bombers, who are intended for ranged attacks, use inflatable bombs that they use to throw at the target. As for the infamous Beheaded Kamikaze, they are equipped with two primitive, handheld fragmentation grenades which they use to blow themselves up with once within detonation range of their target.[6]

Aside from these weapons, the SSS Centerprice was equipped with an extremely powerful cannon that could pulverize almost any creature whose species was not authorized to use it.

Sirian Artifacts of Might[]

Main article: Sirian Artifacts of Might

The Sirian Artifacts of Might, or S.A.M for short, are artifacts of Sirian origin that appear as purple crystalized eggs. Their purpose is not fully understood, and it's not known if they were bought to Earth by the Sirians or if humans discovered them (either by accident or as part of an expedition). During the Mental War, the Alien Artifact Acquisition obtained many of these artifacts to enhance Earth Defense Force soldiers and to aid humanity in the fight against Mental's armies.

It appears that, for the effects of the S.A.Ms to take place, they have to be ingested, though they can also be inhaled.[7] Upon inhalation, the vapors cause a mild hallucinogenic effect and can grant the individual a variety of useful abilities, such as being able to carry two weapons at once (including heavy weapons like cannons or miniguns) or give them incredble strength. Those that have been given enhanced strength are strong enough to instantly kill large creatures, such as some of the large aliens used in Mental's army.


Centerprice SSHD

The SSS Centerprice.

Being a technologically advanced race, the Sirians had many forms of transportation, including had many types of spacecraft, such as scout ships that were used for scouting missions to other planets or ships that even saw use in combat. According to NETRICSA, the Sirians' ships were constructed from a type of crystalline material.[8]

The known Sirian vehicles include:

Time travel[]

The Sirians were capable of time travel, though their ability to do so seemed rather limited. They were not able to duplicate or create the means of traveling forwards or backwards in time, but instead relied on another alien species, the Ellians.

For this race, their primary method of time travel was with the use of a device called the Time-Lock. It is unknown if they actually used this device or just configured it to send the user back to a specific time period. Despite not being of Sirian origin, the Ellians gave this device to the Sirians, who had left it in Egypt. The Time-Lock was left abandoned until it was excavated in the late 21st century. The Time-Lock, once activated, would send someone back in time to the date it was armed.

Aside from the Time-Lock, there were two other known time portals that existed, which were left with some of the greatest human civilizations on Earth; the first one was placed deep within the Mayan city of Teotihuacan, while the second one was placed inside the Tower of Babel in Persepolis.[2]


Time-Lock SS3

The Time-Lock, a device that was bought to Earth by the Sirians.

When Sirians discovered the ability to travel through space, they met various species on their journeys, such as the Kleers. Instead of dominating or enslaving them, they decided to work with them and explore more about them. The Sirians continued to push deeper into the galaxy in order to satisfy their curiosity. For a time, all was well.

At some point during their interstellar travels, the Sirians discovered an extraterrestrial species called the Zubenhakrabian Spider, which grew no larger than a couple of inches. The Sirians decided to domesticate them and keep them as pets.[9]

Visiting Earth[]

A few decades before their fall, the Sirians discovered [[Earth and humanity. The Sirians sent a scouting party to meet and establish contact with the humans. They landed in Egypt and began interacting with the residents. The humans, astonished by the Sirians and their technology, worshiped them as gods, and notable Sirians also became the infamous ancient Egyptian deities such as Osiris, Anubis, and Horus.[10]

The Sirians had the Egyptians establish massive construction projects on the Great Pyramid of Giza and some of the largest cities ancient Egypt had ever seen.[11] Meanwhile, the Sirians began creating powerful generators and other machines underground for their own purposes. They also left two plasma generators under Karnak and Luxor, which would power up the Egyptian Time-Lock once activated.

After the Sirians bought the Time-Lock to Egypt, they would soon visit Earth multiple times throughout human history. They left a time portal with each great civilization on Earth, such as the Mayans, so that someone could go forward in time and activate a backup Sirian spaceship, in case the SSS Centerprice was destroyed.[2]

Discovering the past[]

After the Sirians discovered Earth, the Sirians came across ruins from an ancient species called the Ellians. According to these ruins, there was once a time when there were large, galactic empires ruled by creatures called the Hum-Tah, or the Infinite Beings. These empires were peaceful and constantly changed. However, the last Hum-Tah was different; he completely destroyed the empire.

Unfortunately for them, Mental soon awoke from dormancy after they discovered the Ellian ruins.


Mental began attacking the Sirians, as they were intelligent life. Though the Sirians put up a good fight, they were no match for Mental and his forces. Each of their colonies and the primitive species they had come in contact with were destroyed, one by one. All was lost.

However, there was one planet that Mental didn't know about; Earth. The Sirians on their homeworld contacted the Sirians on Earth that they were under attack, but to not intervene and to stay put. That way, Mental would not be able to find them. The Sirians on Earth complied, but received something unusual from Sirius; the Time-Lock. This was to prevent Chaad-Sheen from obtaining it and using it for its own evil purposes.

Despite their best efforts, the Sirians were killed and Sirius was transformed into Mental's base of operations. Everything had gone according to Chaad-Sheen's plans, but little did Chaad-Sheen know that there was still a group of Sirians on Earth, keeping the species alive for a bit longer.


Oracle throne room

The Oracle, the last Sirian, in their tomb.

After Sirius was overrun by Mental, the remaining Sirians on Earth began dipping into madness and depression because the rest of their species was gone. Riots and the like engulfed Egypt as they began dying off. During these last few years, the Sirians disabled their main method to summon their spaceship, the SSS Centerprice, so that it couldn't be exploited by the Egyptians after the Sirians died. However, in case of an emergency, they created a backdoor involving elemental statues and leaving riddles behind in the Great Pyramid, various temples and some of the cities.[12] Clues to this were also hidden throughout old Egyptian texts in order to prevent any one person from piecing it together.

The last few decided to put everything they had in one crypt, in order to help the humans explore the galaxy when they were more advanced and to warn them about Chaad-Sheen. Everything, such as the location of the SSS Centerprice and what they knew about the galaxy, were buried in that crypt. One of their last acts was to activate the Time-Lock and set it to the time they lived in in case someone like the humans needed it for some reason. Two millennia later, humans would finally discover this crypt and use it to explore the stars.

The last known Sirian was believed to be the Oracle, who told the Egyptians about both the SSS Centerprice and Chaad-Sheen, albeit in terms that the Egyptians would understand. After he died, the species became extinct.

As Mental's forces[]

Kamikaze SS3

A Beheaded Kamikaze, the resurrected remains of an executed Sirian soldier.

While the Sirians themselves are gone, they still exist as part of Mental's forces as cyber-zombies, controlled by a mechanical device called the Life control unit. The fact that these soldiers are still a part of Mental's forces during the Mental War two millennia after their extinction show that they have staying power as part of his forces.

List of appearances[]


  1. Serious Sam 3: BFE level: "The Silent Riddler"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - NETRICSA - Strategy - Sierra de Chiapas
  3. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - NETRICSA - Strategy - The Grand Cathedral
  4. Church cutscene prior after finishing the level Anathema Unto God
  5. Serious Sam 4 Beheaded Rocketeer NETRICSA description
  6. Beheaded Kamikaze NETRICSA description
  7. S.A.M introduction cutscene in the level Death from Above
  8. 8.0 8.1 Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - NETRICSA - Hints - Valley of the Jaguar - The Secret Valley
  9. Zubenhakrabian Spider NETRICSA description
  10. The names of these gods are mentioned multiple times through hieroglyphic texts and includes some references to the Sirians
  11. Serious Sam: The First Encounter - NETRICSA - Strategy - Sirian Pictograms
  12. Serious Sam: The First Encounter - NETRICSA - Strategy - Thebes - Luxor