Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 2.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Double D.  This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Tormental. 

"Any way you look at it, this baby will rock your world."

The Serious Bomb is a very powerful weapon featured in many Serious Sam titles. It happens to be the main logo when referring to the Serious Sam series, appearing most famously on Serious Sam's shirt in virtually all of its appearances.


The serious bomb is an extremely powerful handheld explosive. It is held in one hand, while Sam holds a lighter in the other. When the fire key is pressed, Sam will light the bomb's fuse, and it will take a few seconds to warm up, and afterwards will explode, killing every non-boss enemy within a 750 meter (in-game) radius of the player. The player is not harmed by the bomb's effects due to its unique life-preserving quantum field.[1]

How the player uses it depends on the game; in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, the player simply needs to hit the "0" key to start the timer. In other games, the player must take out the serious bomb, then hit the fire key in order to start the countdown. In Serious Sam: Double D: XXL, the serious bomb is launched from a serious bomb launcher; the launcher has to be fully charged to be able to release the bomb. In Serious Sam: Tormental, it is detonated with the jump key.


The serious bomb is an extremely rare weapon, and the player can only carry a limited number of them. Given the weapon's rarity, the player can only carry 3 of them on Normal difficulty. When playing on other difficulty settings, though, such as Tourist or Serious, the player can carry up to 6 of them.

Since they are so rare, serious bombs should be used sparingly and only as a last resort if the player is absolutely overwhelmed by enemies. They often appear before a big fight begins so that the player can stand a chance, should they be unable to fight a large horde of enemies at once.

The serious bomb is absent from Serious Sam 3: BFE, Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE, and Serious Sam 4, being replaced by the C-4 Demolition Charge and Mini-Nuke instead.

Serious Sam 1[]

In The Second Encounter, the first serious bomb appears in Valley of the Jaguar, while another one can be found behind a house near the 'bloodbath secret' in The City of the Gods. A few bombs also appear in The Pit, and another one appears on the final level, The Grand Cathedral. Throughout the game, serious bombs usually appear before a boss fight or a big battle takes place.

Serious Sam 2[]

The first serious bomb in Serious Sam 2 can be obtained as a secret in Riverdance, by throwing a grenade at the wooden raft containing the serious bomb when crossing the bridges to the village. Later on, serious bombs are quite rare, only appearing every now and then, usually before a big fight begins.

Serious Sam: Double D: XXL[]

In Serious Sam: Double D: XXL, the serious bomb can be acquired by by purchasing the Serious Bomb upgrade from The Trader using Cerebral Controllers. It is an upgrade for the LM32 Rocket Launcher and is unlocked after completing the game for the first time.

Serious Sam: Tormental[]

In Serious Sam: Tormental, the player can acquire a serious bomb by purchasing it from shops with keys. It also has a chance to appear from a blue Mental chest or after clearing a room full of enemies.



  • With the serious bomb, the player should make sure they're in a somewhat safe position before they take out the serious bomb, as they'll be vulnerable for several seconds while the bomb's countdown animation is active.
  • Ideally, the serious bomb should only be used if the player has to deal with too many enemies and has too little health/ammo to counter them without reloading saves many times. However, experienced players may use it to quickly kill any group of enemies even when not really necessary, if their serious bomb capacity is full and they know there's another serious bomb coming up soon - letting it just go would be a big loss because of how rare they are.
  • The blinding white flash that occurs as soon as the bomb explodes will temporarily prevent the player from seeing anything, which can leave them vulnerable to damage from enemy projectiles such as Kleer Skeleton chainballs or especially Major Bio-mechanoid rockets.
  • The player should be careful not to activate the serious bomb near a Beheaded Kamikaze, as he will still damage the player if he explodes near them after the serious bomb has gone off.

Serious Sam 1[]

  • The serious bomb is also useful against hordes of strong enemies, such as Kleers and Sirian Werebulls. This makes hordes of strong enemies extremely easy to deal with, which is very useful no matter how much health/armor/ammo the player has.
  • In tremendously wide areas, the serious bomb may actually not be able to kill every single enemy in the area. One example is the boss fight against Kukulkán, the Wind God, where depending on the player's position, the Fiendian Reptiloid Demons perched atop corners of the surrounding walls may miss the bomb's explosion if they're too far away.

Serious Sam 2[]

  • The serious bomb is highly useful for removing groups of large Spider Mechanoids, especially in the final level, although the player must time the bomb such that it kills all of the Spiders spawned.

Serious Sam: Tormental[]

  • The serious bomb is very useful for clearing out rooms full of enemies, especially after completing a loop.
  • It is especially useful against the ghost enemies in Nightmare Caves, as the latter can only be killed with explosions.
  • Bosses such as the Arachnithid Matriarch and Brainstorm can take a lot of damage from this weapon. The more bombs the player has, the easier it is to defeat them.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The serious bomb had a very different design back in the beta phase of Serious Sam 2. The bomb was inserted into a cylindrical-shaped tube filled with what appears to be a green liquid.

Related achievements[]

Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter[]

Achievement Make it count SSVRTSE
Make it count
Kill at least 30 enemies with a single Serious Bomb.

Serious Sam Fusion[]

Achievement Make it count SSF
Make it count
Kill at least 30 enemies with a single Serious Bomb.

Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope[]

Achievement One Order of Dead Enemies
One Order of Dead Enemies
Detonate a serious bomb.


  • In The Second Encounter, the serious bomb is known by other names, such as 'Miniature Big Bang', 'Atomic Firecracker', and 'Instant Death With a Smile'.[1]


Serious Sam 1[]

Serious Sam: Next Encounter[]

Serious Sam 2[]



Serious Sam: Double D: XXL[]

Serious Sam: Tormental[]

List of appearances[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Serious Sam: The Second Encounter NETRICSA description