Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam Advance. This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Random Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter. 

"Give a man a bullet and he'll want a gun. Give him a gun and he will be giving away the bullets."
Sam Stone[src]

The Schofield .45, also known as the Colt, is a handgun first introduced in Serious Sam: The First Encounter, and then later appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, Serious Sam: Xbox, and the HD and VR ports. The player spawns with a single Schofield and the Military Knife when they start a new game in singeplayer, multiplayer, or after respawning in Deathmatch mode. 


The Schofield .45 is a replica of the original 1875 Schofield cavalry model that has been modified for increased accuracy. It is a solid and reliable weapon, but is normally not very efficient for combat situations due to its low rate of fire and manual reloading.[1] The Schofield is fitted with a small techno-magical ammunition replenisher that was captured from Mental's forces, which provides the weapon with an infinite supply of ammunition.[1] The Schofield can be used in combination with NETRICSA's targeting system to provide accurate, long-range shooting.

The Schofield fires one round every time the fire key is pressed. This round is perfectly accurate, no matter how far the bullet lands. In the classic and HD and VR versions of the game, the Schofield is automatically reloaded after firing six shots or after switching to another weapon. In the Serious Sam Fusion version, however, the weapon now has to be manually reloaded after switching to another weapon. The weapon is still automatically reloaded when the player expends all six rounds though if they don’t switch to another weapon beforehand.

The Schofield is the only weapon in the game that can be dual-wielded. When it is dual-wielded, it fires two shots every time the fire key is pressed and each Schofield is automatically reloaded after firing six shots. Rounds fired by dual-wielded Schofields are perfectly accurate as well. The player can switch to a single Schofield by pressing the "2" key.


The player starts with a single Schofield upon starting a new game. During the early levels, the Schofield becomes a reliable weapon which can be useful if the player is running low on ammo or as a last-resort. The Schofield begins losing effectiveness later on as the player begins acquring more powerful weapons and stronger enemies start to appear.

Serious Sam: The First Encounter[]

In The First Encounter, a second Schofield appears in Temple of Hatshepsut, both as a regular weapon and as a secret.

Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]

A second Schofield appears in the levels Sierra de Chiapas, Ziggurat and The Citadel.

Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter[]

Legend of the Beast[]

In the DLC, a second Schofield is found in the level Children of Amon Ra in either yard or on top of the platform near the yards' entrances. Three Schofields appear in the level alone.


  • When using the Schofield, the player should remember to switch to another weapon, then quickly switch back to the Schofield right before firing six rounds; swapping from and to the Schofield is faster than the reload animation. This trick does not work in the Fusion version of Serious Sam HD.
  • The Schofield is very effective against weak enemies, such as Beheaded Bombers, Beheaded Firecrackers, Beheaded Rocketeers, Beheaded Kamikazes and Zorg Mercenaries. It takes two shots to down a beheaded enemy, and four rounds to kill a Mercenary. Thanks to its perfect accuracy, it can take down small or even medium groups of these enemies, especially Kamikazes, from a safe distance.
  • The Schofield makes for an excellent long-range weapon, especially in The First Encounter, which has no dedicated long-range weapon. With enough time, the Schofields can be used to kill even the most powerful enemies that are at long range, though this can be rather time-consuming, depending on how much health the enemy has. If the player wishes to save ammunition for tough enemies like Major Bio-mechanoids, they can fire a few grenades or rockets at them, and then finish them off with the Schofield.
  • The Schofield's perfect accuracy makes it a great weapon for picking off individual or small groups of Scythian Witch Harpies at long range. This can be very helpful if the player doesn't have enough ammo for the Thompson submachine gun or XM214-A Minigun.
  • The Schofield is very effective when paired with the RAPTOR Sniper Rifle. The player can whittle down a long range enemy until its health is at red, then finish off the enemy with the Schofield. This allows the player to preserve ammunition.
  • With Serious Damage active, the Schofield becomes a powerful weapon that can easily eliminate small to medium groups of enemies at almost any range. The high damage output from the Schofields with this power-up active allows the player to dispatch medium targets like Common Aludran Reptiloids, Cucurbitos, Fiendian Reptiloid Demons, Minor Bio-mechanoids, and Zumb'uls. Additionally, the Schofields can also be used to rapidly deplete the health of much tougher enemies like Lava Golems or Major Bio-mechanoids.

Related achievements[]

Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter[]

Achievement Quick Draw SSVRTFE
Quick Draw
Pull out a single Colt and immediately deliver a killing shot.

Serious Sam Fusion[]

Achievement Quick Draw SSF
Quick Draw
Pull out a single Colt and immediately deliver a killing shot.

Behind the scenes[]


  • Despite the weapon's name, it is actually manufactured by Colt.
  • The Schofield is reloaded by its cylinder swinging out, unlike the revolver's original inspiration whose cylinder is accessed by a top-break mechanism.
  • The Schofield is modeled after the Smith & Wesson Model 3, a top-break revolver produced in 1870, with its name and in-game caliber a reference to the Schofield version which was designed in 1875.
  • The NETRISCA description for the Schofield misspells the weapon as "Shofield".[2]
  • Although the Schofield functions as a single-action weapon both in real life and in Serious Sam 1, the gun's hammer in the in-game animations cocks backwards on its own. Either it has been modified with a gas-powered system that turns it semi-automatic, or this is a developer oversight.


Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]



Serious Sam (Palm OS)[]

List of appearances[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 NETRICSA description
  2. PC HUD inspection contains [