Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam 2. 

The Plasma Cannon is a stationary artillery weapon that appears in Serious Sam 2.


The plasma cannon is a large mechanical device with a purple half of an orb in front of it and a satellite dish on top of it. There exist two variants of the plasma cannon: one that fires a ball of plasma at its target, and one that fires lasers.


The cannon is usually either placed on the ground or above the target on a nearby roof. It first appears in Floaterra and then as an uncommon enemy afterwards, sometimes appearing with Rocket Turrets. Only 2 of the second variant appears in the game, with both appearing at the end of Siriusopolis Uptown.


The plasma cannon is, based on its namesake, armed with a cannon that fires balls of plasma or lasers at the target. The first plasma cannon variant attacks the target looking up, firing a ball of plasma, then going down and repeating the process. The plasma ball behaves much like a mortar; it will fly up, and then go down and try to strike the target. When it hits the ground, it will explode, damaging anyone near the explosion. The second variant fires lasers in quick succession. After firing enough lasers, it waits for a few seconds then fires lasers again.


  • The RAPTOR Sniper Rifle works very well against the plasma cannon. A scoped shot or two will kill it.
  • Because they are immobile, the XPML30 Rocket Launcher works well against them. Fire a few rockets at the plasma cannon, and the rockets will take care of it while the player switches weapons and fights off other enemies.
  • The plasma cannon's attack can easily be dodged by strafing in a direction. This allows the player to avoid it's main attack and the splash damage from it exploding.
  • It is a more dangerous if the player is in a tight area, as the player has less room to avoid its projectiles, and the lack of room makes it likely the player will be harmed by its explosion damage.
  • The laser firing variant's lasers can be easily dodged while driving the flying CH-181 Hover Bike.
  • Its priority of a threat when mixed with other enemies depends on the area the player is in. If in a large area, the plasma cannon is of a little threat to the player, as the player has more than enough room to avoid it's projectiles. However, if in a tight location, the plasma cannon is much more dangerous and should be targeted whenever the player gets a breather from charging enemies like the Kleer Skeleton or Orc Footballer.


List of appearances[]
