Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam's Bogus Detour. 

"Well this certainly is a strange weapon."
Sam Stone[src]

The Oozegun is a bioweapon that appears in Serious Sam's Bogus Detour.


Originally developed as a utility tool by the Zorgs, the oozegun was used for spewing ooze into containers for shipping. It was later adapted by the Orcs and used as a weapon on the battlefield.[1]

When fired, the oozegun fires a blob of ooze. Like the MK III Grenade Launcher, the player can press down the fire key to charge the oozegun to launch the projectiles at targets further away. The ooze explode on impact with the target, temporarily leaving toxic fumes, impeding its movement and draining its health over time. The player is not affected by the fumes.


The oozegun is much rarer compared to other weapons. It can first be obtained in Biological Illogical, but can be found earlier as a secret in Running up That Hill inside a building.


  • The oozegun is useful as a crowd control weapon against large hordes of enemies. By slowing down large groups and damaging them over time with the ooze fumes, this can give the player time to switch to a more powerful weapon and finish them off easily.
  • The weapon works well with fast enemies, such as Beheaded Kamikazes, Kleer Skeletons and Sirian Werebulls.



List of appearances[]


  1. NETRICSA description