Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Next Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 2.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Double D.  This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 3: BFE. This subject appears in Serious Sam's Bogus Detour.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Tormental.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 4.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.  This subject is from the Mental War era. 

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"Our need for knowledge has led us to expand our capabilities with the remarkable NETRICSA implant, which I helped develop."
―Professor Gottlieb Kiesel[src]

NETRICSA (NEuroTRonically Implanted Combat Situation Analyzer), referred to affectionally as "Nettie" by Sam, is a personal computer who appears as the deuteragonist of the Serious Sam series. She has made appearances in almost every Serious Sam game; the exceptions being Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!, Serious Sam: The Random Encounter, Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter, and Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope.

She is featured as a playable character in Serious Sam: Tormental, and serves a supporting role like other playable characters that appear in the game.


NETRICSA is advanced AI technology used by Earth Defense Force personnel with feminine programming. It was developed by EDF professor Gottlieb Kiesel.[1] The device is a miniaturized computer or microchip that is implanted inside the user's skull, and allows EDF scientists, technicians, and dedicated NETRISCA editors to inform soldiers with the latest information about weapons, enemies, and their current objectives.[1] NETRICSA is connected to the EDF network, which allows herself to receive constant updates. She can even update herself without being connected to the network. NETRICSA's built-in artificial intelligence can analyze new information on the fly.[1]

NETRICSA is hardwired to the human cerebral cortex, so she has all the access to the user's audio-visual experiences and can provide them with feedback. She is used to provide fast and simple access to all the necessary data and analysis for a skilled combatant, so that the user can keep up to date with the situation and know what to do next.

Serious Sam's NETRICSA is the best available of the wide range of such devices; his translates texts (even archaic texts), alien languages, and pictograms, offers simple head-up-display directly to the visual cortex, tracks targets and gives other kinds of help in fight and in general tactics.[2] NETRICSA automatically informs Sam about any new information when he encounters a subject for the first time. For example, when he picks up a weapon, NETRICSA will update herself and analyze the data from it. Also, if Sam kills an enemy type for the first time, NETRICSA will also update herself with data on the subject Sam just killed. The exception to this are the bosses, such as the Swamp Hive, Sam encounters. Due to the urgency of such situations, an overview including the enemy's weaknesses is made available.

Gameplay-wise, NETRICSA will show the player's statistics, such as enemies killed, time in a level and secrets found. The only versions of NETRICSA that do not do this are the Serious Sam: Next Encounter and Serious Sam 3: BFE versions of NETRICSA.


Arachnoid NETRICSA SS3

NETRICSA displaying an enemy in Serious Sam 3: BFE.

During most games, NETRICSA interacts with Sam in two ways: by imposing an image of the instrument readings on the retina of his eyes (transparent screen) or by connecting directly to his cerebral cortex (in this case, Sam sees a full-screen computer interface in front of him).

Transparent screen mode is usually enabled during reconnaissance and combat. The lower left corner of the screen displays the player's current health and armor level. This is followed by indicators of Sam's current weapons and the number of ammo available for the current weapon. On the right are icons indicating the types of ammunition, each of which has an indicator of the remaining number of ammo of this type.

The upper left corner of the screen displays the player's score - the total amount of points received for the destruction of enemies and the execution of tasks. When the computer has a new message for Sam, a beep sound is emitted, and a message counter appears under the account indicator, showing the number of unread messages. After that, the player can call the full-screen interface to read the message.

The central part of the screen is reserved for the aiming system. The crosshair indicates exactly where the shot will be. It changes its color according to the state of the target. When there is no live target, the sight is white. When aiming at a new enemy, the crosshair turns green. If the enemy is damaged, the color of the crosshair will change to yellow, and when the enemy dies - to red.

In Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, if the player aims at an item that they can use or touch (for example, a switch), the Use indicator will appear above the crosshair, indicating that the player can interact with the target by pressing the Use key (E) be default or the secondary fire key (right click). If the player aims at an item that can be analyzed, the Analysis indicator appears. After the analysis is completed, a new message will appear with a description of the research results. To read the message, the player can switch to the full-screen mode of the NETRICSA interface at any time by double-clicking the Use button.

In full-screen mode, the interface displays the in-game database, providing important and useful information about objects, opponents, locations, and equipping the player with plot information.


Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]

The First Encounter and Second Encounter version of NETRISCA (v2.01) has changed compared to her appearance in Serious Sam 3: BFE, most likely to accommodate Sam's current situation. Instead of rotating a subject around and showing off interesting facts while doing so, this version of NETRISCA shows a large text writeup of the subject in a box on the right side of the screen, while the lower left-hand corner shows the subject. The writeup is much more detailed than the Serious Sam 3 version, as it shows off data such as weight, height and metabolism (the latter for enemies only).

Locations receive much more detailed information this time around. Whenever Sam enters a new location, NETRICSA will show text regarding the new location, and how it relates to Sam's current goal. In addition, NETRICSA can analyze areas Sam is in independently of him and draw her own conclusions regarding. This new function is very handy for Sam, as he doesn't really know much about the locations he is in, nor does he have someone on the radio helping to guide him.

The background color of this version of NETRICSA depends on the game she is used in. In The First Encounter, the background is green, while The Second Encounter version has a blue background. Both versions include a line stating "personal version for:" followed by the name of the profile the player is using.

Information is divided into several categories. They are tactical data (hints for a certain location), strategic data (general overview of a location), enemies, weapons, and statistics.

Serious Sam: Xbox[]

This version of NETRICSA shows the same information that the version does in The First Encounter and The Second Encounter, but has a completely different display. Instead of having information in boxes, an image of the subject is shown on the left and the text information appears on the right with nothing between them. The background is different as well; the background is a dark blue background with numbers floating around.

Information about subjects is not divided into different categories. Instead, all of the data is in one list. The data is differentiated by the color of their icon.

Serious Sam 2[]

The Serious Sam 2 version of NETRISCA, 2.00 Lite, (Netrisca, or as Sam simply calls her, "Nettie") is a lot different compared to previous versions. The ability to show information about enemies and weapons has been removed for some reason, which prevents Sam from learning about the enemies he defeats and/or the weapons he acquires.

In exchange for losing the ability to learn about enemies and weapons, NETRISCA has gained a voice, and will occasionally talk to Sam in order to point things out to him, state a fact, or to encourage or warn him. Sam also responds back to her, but there are no instances of them talking back and forth in game, The only times NETRISCA did respond to Sam is during the cutscene when Sam meets NETRISCA, and the cutscene when Sam is eating bananas in a prison chamber. Whenever NETRICSA talks, she appears as a blue hologram of a woman with short military style'd light hair and a black tank top. NETRICSA appears on the left side of the screen when talking.

The Serious Sam 2 version of NETRICSA also shows Sam a list of his objectives in a location, which previously did not exist. This lets Sam keep track of what he needs to do.

Statistics can be accessed by pressing the Enter key. Pressing the key again will switch back to showing an objective.

This version of NETRICSA will also verbally announce when the player has found a secret area, depending on the player's audio settings. The implication here seems to be that the secret area notifications from the other games were also the result of NETRICSA, but were simply not vocalized and instead appeared on the screen in stead of being heard.

Serious Sam: Next Encounter[]


NETRICSA describing an enemy in Serious Sam: Next Encounter.

The Next Encounter version of NETRISCA functions exactly the same as the Serious Sam: Xbox version.

Serious Sam Advance[]

This version of NETRISCA is very close to her First Encounter and Second Encounter counterparts, but she provides less detailed information on subjects, such as their weight and height. Instead, NETRICSA will provide statistics regarding the subject, such as how many times an enemy has been killed or how many shots have hit a target.

Serious Sam: Double D[]

Both Double D and Serious Sam: Double D: XXL feature NETRICSA, but only as a talking hologram. This version of NETRICSA appears as a woman with short black hair and green skin with spots on it. She advises Sam on what to do next and will occasionally start talking back to him if he talks to her. She does not provide any detailed information about a subject, Sam's objectives, or the player's statistics in a level.

Serious Sam 3: BFE[]

NETRISCA location SS3

NETRICSA showing off a 3D display of a location in Serious Sam 3: BFE.

NETRICSA is a lot more simplistic in this game compared to her previous appearances. She provides a detailed view of the selected subject, and will occasionally pan the subject around to show off interesting details about it. These panning movements are automatic.

Items are highlighted on the player's HUD as various colors:

  • Red - Health
  • Blue - Armor
  • Yellow - Ammunition
  • Green - Weapon

NETRICSA does not provide large blocks of texts regarding locations. Instead, NETRICSA will show off a 3D map of an objective and any interesting points regarding the location. These points are brief and generally instruct Sam where to go, along with a historical fact or two to help him understand what he's getting into. When Sam is first told of a new location he must go to, NETRICSA will show a small 3D map of the location the lower left-hand corner of the screen. This is the same map that NETRICSA will show if Sam brings it up while in NETRICSA's databanks.

All subjects are in one list. Generally, enemies are on the top of the list, weapons are past the enemies, and location information is at the bottom of the list.

Other than giving Sam information, NETRISCA is able to upload and receive information from the Earth Defense Force's headquarters. One instance of this is when Sam discovers the hidden Sirian chamber beneath the Great Pyramid, and uploads the data to HQ soon after.[3]

Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]

NETRICSA appears pretty much like she does in the previous games, though this time all the information is on one big screen. Like the First Encounter and Second Encounter version of NETRICSA, she arranges data into separate tabs (enemies, items, weapons, etc). She also gives occasional hints and reminders to the player about what they need to do as they progress through the game. NETRICSA also has the ability to interfere with electronics and devices from the outside, such as when she helped Sam hack the missiles on the Mental-Altani Moon base. This only works if Sam has obtained a certain device or object that works with the latter.

Whenever NETRICSA needs to remind the player about the situation their in, a mechanical beeping sound can be heard.

I Hate Running Backwards[]

NETRICSA is similar to other games, though it only can be accessed in the main menu and not in-game. Unlike other games, this version of NETRICSA also includes descriptions for playable characters, perks and achievements.

Serious Sam: Tormental[]

After Sam destroys the Mentalopticon, a cursed artifact that contains a link to Mental's mind (aka the "Mindspace"), NETRICSA is sucked into it along with Sam.[4] Inside Mental's mind, she is reimagined as a "snarky white cube" with arms and legs rather than a computer system like she was before.[5] She also speaks like she does in Serious Sam 2 and Serious Sam: Double D.

In the game, she is one of five playable characters, along with Sam, Bomb, Bad Bulb, and Ugh-Zan Jr.. Like the other characters (with the exception of Sam), she has to be rescued by unlocking her prison cell with keys. She appears in the Frontal Lobe and it costs 1 key to unlock her cell. Once she has been freed, the player can choose to play as her anytime in the Frontal Lobe.

Like other characters in the game, NETRICSA has a special ability. This ability, called "magnetic drone" allows her to create portals that can suck in both enemies and environment props such as bombs. The player can use this ability to finish off enemies more easily with explosive weapons or bombs.

NETRICSA has a total of four skins. They are locked and can only be acquired by unlocking insights, which are purchased from the shop using needs to get much figments. Each one of these skins gives NETRICSA a different Gun upgrade. They can be selected from the wardrobe in the Frontal Lobe. The first skin, 8XF, gives her the "Heavy bullets" upgrade, the second one, 3CX, gives the "Enemy bounce" upgrade, and the final skin, DP3, gives the "Freeze shot" upgrade.

Serious Sam 4/Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]

NETRICSA has been given an all-new design this time around. She also has different colored themes for words and letters. In Serious Sam 4, is it orange, while in Siberian Mayhem, is it blue. All information that NETRICSA acquires is organized into five separate tabs:

  • The 'Mission' tab shows the current level that is being played, the player's main objective, as well as any optional side objectives that have been completed or are still in progress. The latter can be seen at the bottom of the screen.
  • The 'S.A.M.' (Sirian Artefacts of Might) tab shows a skill tree of locked and unlocked skills. Skills that have been unlocked are highlighed white, while locked ones are grey and faded out. The player can choose to activate or deactivate a skill at any time in this section by pressing and holding down the primary fire key.
  • The 'Equipment' tab shows any weapons or gadgets the player has picked up as they progress through the game. A description of the object appears on the right part of the screen - information about a weapon, such as its rate of fire (calculated in rounds per minute) and damage statistics (for explosive weapons, the damage listed is the total of the direct and splash damage), are shown on the bottom right along with other notes.
  • The 'Enemies' tab shows a list of all the enemies the player has killed. Enemies are displayed in a similar manner to the First Encounter and Second Encounter versions, with the displayed enemy on the left and a large wall of text on the right. Information about the enemy, such as its health points and damage it deals for each of its attacks, are shown on the bottom right of the screen along with tips (if applicable). Additionally, the enemy's weight and height are also shown, much like in the First Encounter and Second Encounter; however, the exact units are not provided for the numbers.
  • The 'Dossiers' tab displays a list of picked up notes and audio tapes that the player has found throughout the game's campaign mode. The player can choose to listen to the audio logs at any time through this tab.

Just like the Serious Sam 3 version, NETRICSA will highlight important items in various colors:

  • Red - Health
  • Blue - Armor
  • Yellow - Ammunition or switch/lever
  • Green - Weapon
  • Purple - Gadget/important item


Sam Stone[]

Since she is implanted in Sam's head, NETRICSA knows a lot about Sam and his personality. Thus, the two of them share a very close, if not, intimate relationship. This is hinted further as heard by their conversations in Serious Sam 2. NETRICSA also likes to flirt with Sam occasionally, as seen by some of her messages in The Second Encounter.[6]

Like Quinn, NETRICSA has no problem with assisting Sam and providing him with the latest information regarding enemies, places, strange artifacts, and helping him solve puzzles. Like the latter, NETRICSA would become frustrated or angry with Sam on occasions when he didn't listen to her and preferred to do things his way.[7]

Personality and skills[]

Her personality seems to vary between games. In Serious Sam: The First Encounter, NETRICSA seems to be more professional for most of the game, but she does show some signs of her own personality. In Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, though, she acts more casual, relaxed and excitable, even flirting with Sam in some parts.

In Serious Sam 2, NETRICSA acts just as she does in The Second Encounter, and likes to mess around with Sam and make various references and jokes when describing his mission objectives. She can also talk in this game and in Serious Sam: Double D and Serious Sam: Tormental, unlike the majority of her other appearances when all she can is generate text on a screen for the player to see.

In Serious Sam: Tormental, NETRICSA shows emotions and boasts a high amount of confidence, and is not afraid to confront many of the various monsters that linger inside Mental's mind. The majority of her quotes make references to electronics or computer errors.

Powers and abilities[]


NERICSA using her magnetic drone ability to suck in enemies in Serious Sam: Tormental.

  • Advanced Artifical Intelligence: Despite being a computer, NETRICSA is equipped with advanced AI; she is capable of learning about the envrionment around her, updating herself, and directly interacting with the carrier, similar to human behavior. This is expressed in the direct meaningful communication of NETRICSA with Sam and self-awareness of herself as some kind of full-fledged and self-sufficient sentient being. In Serious Sam: Tormental, she has achieved full sentience as a being that can exist outside of Sam's influence and she is capable of walking, speech, and attacking with weapons.
    • Technology Manipulation: NETRICSA is able to connect with and interact with technology, like computers. She is even compatible with extraterrestrial technology, such as the main computer found on the SSS Centerprice, and can download vast quantities of data from it.[8] This ability proved vital for Sam with regards to his mission to find and acquire the Holy Grail.[9]
  • Portal Creation: In Serious Sam: Tormental, NETRICSA possesses a special ability called "magnet drone" that is able to create powerful portals which can be used to suck in enemies for a short period of time before dissipating. NETRICSA and other characters are not affected by these portals and can freely move through them as they please.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Test 1 shows off a slightly different layout for NETRICSA's statistics screen. Some of the statistics were on the left side of the screen where the map would be. The statistics shown on the left side used a different font compared to the statistics on the right.
  • The Test 1 NETRICSA had a voice, but would only use it when Sam received a new message. It would say "INCOMING MESSAGE" in a mechanical-sounding male voice. There is also a sound clip of NETRICSA saying "HIGH SCORE" with a similar voice, but this clip is completely unused in Test 1. It was most likely to be played when the player reached a high score.
  • Previews of Serious Sam 2 suggested that NETRICSA would be able to appear as a hologram and interact with Sam and the world. Hologram NETRICSA on a stage with Sam in what appears to be Coast 2 Cost can be seen in preview footage.

Related achievements[]

Serious Sam: Tormental[]

Achievement Get Netty Or Die Trying
Get Netty Or Die Trying
Rescue Netricsa.
Achievement Silver Axe
Silver Axe
Complete the Mental Woods with Netricsa without using guns.


  • NETRICSA's avatar in Serious Sam 2 bears a resemblance to Cortana, a female smart artificial intelligence (AI) character from the Halo franchise. Both are depicted as blue females with similar hairstyles who talk to the main protagonist from inside their head to help them whenever possible - in Cortana's case, her avatar commonly appears on a data crystal chip inserted into the back of the Master Chief's MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor helmet.
  • NETRICSA's sounds from Serious Sam 3 are reused for the jammer in The Talos Principle, a first-person puzzle video game developed by Croteam.
  • In Serious Sam Double D, NETRICSA shares the same voice actress (Adriene Mishler) as Quinn in Serious Sam 3. Like NETRICSA, Quinn shares a similar role with helping Sam whenever he needs it.
  • She is equipped with sensors (an example would be an ultrasonic transducer) which she uses for a variety of purposes, according to text seen in The Second Encounter.[8][10]


Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]



Serious Sam Advance[]

Serious Sam 2[]



Serious Sam: Double D[]

Serious Sam 3: BFE[]

Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]

I Hate Running Backwards[]

Serious Sam: Tormental[]

Serious Sam 4[]

List of appearances[]


  1. โ†‘ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 The Art of Serious Sam 4, page 1
  2. โ†‘ Serious Sam: The First Encounter - NETRICSA - Introduction
  3. โ†‘ Serious Sam 3: BFE level: "The Silent Riddler"
  4. โ†‘ Serious Sam: Tormental level: "Tomb"
  5. โ†‘
  6. โ†‘ Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - NETRICSA - Hints - Courtyards of Gilgamesh - Leap of Faith
  7. โ†‘ Serious Sam: The First Encounter - NETRICSA - Strategy - Sacred Yards
  8. โ†‘ 8.0 8.1 Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - NETRICSA - Strategy - Sierra de Chiapas
  9. โ†‘ Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
  10. โ†‘ Serious Sam: The Second Encounter - NETRICSA - Hints - Sierra de Chiapas - The Lost Valley