Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Next Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam Advance. This subject appears in Serious Sam 2.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack!. This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Random Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Double D.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 3: BFE. This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam's Bogus Detour.  This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope.  This subject appears in I Hate Running Backwards.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Tormental.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 4.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.  This subject is from the Mental War era. 

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"Truth is, they don't care about who we used to be or what we wanted to do. To them, we're just slaves. But if they thought this was gonna be easy... they came to the wrong fucking planet."
Sam Stone[src]

Mental's Horde, also referred to as The Horde, Tah-Um's Empire, or the Foes of Osiris, is the name given to the military forces controlled by Tah-Um, also known as Mental. They are a loose alliance comprised of various alien species, working in tandem to carry out their master's will and destroy all intelligent life in the galaxy that is not affiliated with Mental or his forces.

The Horde is notable for their sheer numbers, low-average intelligence, and lack of strategy or military tactics. Having appeared in every Serious Sam game, they serve as the main antagonistic faction in the series.

Several smaller factions, such as the Cult of the Eightfold Manifestation and Mental-Altani, have allied themselves with Mental's Horde, seeing as they both serve the same goal as Mental and aim to exterminate all intelligent life in the universe.[1]


Mental's Horde is an extremely large army consisting of various species. They are incalculable in number, although their numbers most likely range in the tens of thousands. This would explain why Mental always manages to defeat any species he encounters. Many of his troops belong to primitive races that were hand-picked by Mental in order to bolster his ranks; he has created agreements with creatures such as the Aludran Reptiloids, so they can work for them in exchange for magical powers to use on their targets,[2] and coerced other races into joining him and proving their worth, even if it includes removing any and all traces of their own civilzation.[3] Mental has even tampered with the evolutionary paths of some creatures so he can mold them into troops for his purposes.[4]

Mental also uses several methods to coerce races into working with him. Some species, like the Arachnoids, saw Mental as a Messiah and worshipped him. Another race, the Octanians, believe that Mental is 'purifying' the universe, and thus decided to ally themselves with him. In the case of the Aludran Reptiloids, he offered them magical combat abilities. In other cases, such as the Zorgs, he simply paid for massive amounts of disposable troops.[5]

Mental is the last of the Hum-Tah, a race of extremely powerful rulers of large, intergalactic empires. His predecessors had peacefully and wisely ruled the empires, but Mental was different. For some reason, he became dedicated to wiping out all intelligent life. He destroyed the empires, then disappeared for thousands of years. In between these cycles of war, he would lie dormant and deactivate his forces, leaving some behind to detect any sign of intelligent life. When he detected them, he would awaken and activate his forces, often leading to massive genocidal campaigns and battles stretching across the galaxy.[6][7][8]

High-ranking members[]

Lord Achriman full body

Lord Achriman, one of Mental's oldest servants.

Aside from the huge numbers of various species, Mental has also recruited extremely large and/or powerful creatures as Generals to lead his army, such as members of the Ugh-Zan dynasty, owing to their sheer size, strength, and regeneration.

Mental has also hired servants to bolster his ranks. Mordekai the Summoner was one such servant, who worked with Mental to properly use and research magic. Lord Achriman, ruler of the Shadow Plane, was Mental's chief philosopher and propagandist, and preached the deconstruction of the universe in favor of eternal commitment to Mental. During the Mental War, Achriman was in charge of the Earth campaign, and led Mental's armies across Earth during the Mental War to ensure the humans' defeat.[9]


As part of his scheme to wipe out intelligent life, Mental and his alien hordes stop at nothing short of genocide in order to maintain control.

An instance of this is when Mental discovered the Ellian species, who had come across the remains of the old empires once ruled by the Hum-Tah and pieced together who Mental was. Before they could do anything, Mental returned and destroyed them, then disappeared soon afterwards.

Mental's armies on Earth[]

The Mental War[]

Main article: Mental War

During the 22nd century, Mental was woken up by Sam Stone on the exploratory vessel, Surveyor, after discovering a strange asteroid belt. Mental retailated and sent in massive hordes of forces at the humans, starting with the extraterrestrial colonies in Alpha Centauri.

In the year 2112, soon after the colonies fell, Mental tracked the retreating humans back to Earth, a planet he was not aware of at the time. During the first phase of the war, he had the Octanians set up a massive portal in Tunguska, Russia, which served as a bridgehe for his forces to invade Earth. By the time this portal was established, several smaller portals were set up in towns and cities to allow Mental's forces to quickly overrun them. This eventually led to large-scale invasion that became known as the Tunguska Offensive.[8]

In the later days of the war, Mental deployed a massive fleet of Alcor Class Warships, each carrying tens of thousands of troops, down onto Earth. By the time they arrived, the humans were at a massive disadvantage due to the sheer size of Mental's armies. This lead to a large conquest that had driven humanity almost to the point of extinction. During the conflict, humanity took massive casualties, though the exact number of this is unknown. It's possible that, due to military forces having lost or struggled to fight off against the invaders, the deaths were in the many millions. During the final stages of the war, it's clear that humanity had lost. Most or all of the inhabitants of towns and cities had been wiped out by Mental, and it seems that all that was left was a small group of Earth Defense Force soldiers posted somewhat near Cairo in Egypt.[6]

In a last-ditch effort, the world leaders turned to their last chance: the Time-Lock, a strange alien device that Mental was not aware of. The device, which had been recently excavated, supposedly could grant a single person the ability of time travel via an inter-dimensional portal. Through it, that person could reach a pivotal point in time and alter events of the past. But as the device laid dormant, they had to first discover a means to activate it.


Propaganda Drone

A propaganda drone, one of the many forms of propaganda Mental used during his invasion of Earth.

Mental and his servants use and heavily rely on many forms of propaganda to assure Tah-Um's military influence on the planet(s) they're invading. Earth was one of many such planets. Such propaganda included using posters or propaganda drones that could be found in cities all around the world. The propaganda drones would fly around the streets, showing the logo of Mental's army and taunted any surviving humans into surrendering, promising to 'award' them and show them a new way of life if they were willing to become processed.[8]

Human killings[]

Mental showed no remorse towards the human race, and sent his alien hordes to eliminate anyone who opposed him. The human military forces fought back against the invaders and tried to repel their attacks. However, they were no match against Mental's superior technology and the sheer number of his forces, and were eventually overrun by them.

As a result of the heavy casualties that humanity suffered, many cities became abandoned and there were little to no signs of life. Abandoned cars and other vehicles littered the streets, many houses and other buildings had been destroyed or reduced to rubble by warship scorcher beams and bombing raids orchestrated by Lord Achriman.[8]

Finishing off humanity[]

Moon hitting Earth

Having suceeded in almost overthrowing humanity, Mental hurled the Moon into the Earth to destroy the planet once and for all.

During Sam's journey to power up the Time Lock, Mental staged a final attack on the Earth Defense Force's headquarters, completely wiping it out. Now that the last bit of resistance had been taken out, Mental prepared to finish off humanity once and for all, by hurtling the Moon into the Earth. In this timeline, Mental managed to finish off humanity, just like all the other species that encountered him.[6]


Mental utilizes advanced technology and magic to achieve his goals. The diversity can be seen in his army, where he uses cyborgs, executed enemy soldiers raised from the dead, reanimated skeletons of long extinct races, trained war animals, clones, creatures made out of pure magic, robots, mercenaries, or even plain vehicles.

An instance of Mental using magic to strengthen his army is when he discovered the Aludran Reptiloids, a primitive race of four-armed reptilian creatures from the Aludran system. They agreed to join his army, and in return, Mental bestowed them magical powers that allows them to conjure homing projectiles from their hands.

To bolster his ranks even further, Mental has gone as far as to tamper with the evolution of certain species, such as the Fiendian Reptiloid Demon. These creatures were once simple, lizard-like organisms from Fiendia Prime, until Mental found them and crossbred as well as mutated them through several generations, until they were reinforced with a titanium skeleton, which increased their endurance, thus making them formidable opponents.


Mental utilizes teleportation technology and portals to tranport one horde of troops from one location to another. Such portals were also placed on Earth during the Mental War in several locations, such as Rome in Italy or Tunguska in Russia. As the portals were a priority to Mental, he would have his Generals or his forces guard them from anyone who wanted to tamper with them.

Mental is also able to teleport his forces directly to any desired location, whether it be in a city, on an island, or deep underneath the Great Pyramid. Mental will usually teleport and deploy his forces in order to stop Earth Defense Force troops whenever they are near their objectives.

Not only is Mental capable of teleporting his forces at a specific location, he can also teleport them back onto a warship. An instance of this is when Sam fought a warship in Cairo. After dealing heavy damage to the warship, any troops that survived the battle were immediately teleported back onto the warship.


Kamikaze SS4

The Beheaded Kamikaze is used to instill fear into Mental's enemies.

Mental's hordes consists of all kinds of creatures, including cyborgs, soldiers or mercenaries, vehicles, creatures made out of magic, and many more.

Infantry forces[]

The majority of Mental's forces are made up of soldiers or light units. They are often equipped with advanced weaponry, such as laser or plasma rifles and other standard-issue firearms, while some are lesser species that are not very intelligent or organized. Despite this, Mental still decided to train them. Some of Mental's weaker units serve as cannon-fodder, charging towards the enemy in the line of fire.

  • Atlantean: A fish-like creature armed with a plasma gun. They were originally the inhabitants of Atlantis before Mental invaded it and brainwashed them into serving under his command.
  • Beheaded Bomber: An executed Sirian soldier equipped with inflatable pocket bombs which he uses to toss at targets. The bombs explode on impact. When killed, the Bomber will blow up after a short delay.
  • Beheaded Commando:. An highly trained executed Sirian soldier that can launch five bombs at his target with a single throw, and also fire magic missiles from the magic missile launcher installed on his head. After being damaged enough, he will rush towards the target and blow himself up as a last resort.
  • Beheaded Firecracker:: This variant of Sirian soldier is equipped with a magic missile launcher, which fires a spread of five magic missiles from his weapon.
  • Beheaded Kamikaze: An executed Sirian soldier that is controlled by an LCU (life control unit). The head of the Kamikaze has been ruined; therefore, he is employed for suicidal attacks, in the form of fragmentation grenades.
  • Beheaded Rocketeer: An executed Sirian soldier that too, like the Beheaded Kamikaze, also has an implanted LCU. He is equipped with a cheap, low power magic missile launcher that, while low in firepower, is equipped with a techno-magical ammunition replenisher, which gives him unlimited ammunition.
  • Beheaded VaporWave: An executed Sirian soldier that fires several projectiles in a 360 degree angle around him using his magic missile launcher.
  • Bloater: A creature that behaves similar to the Beheaded Kamikaze, though it is slower and deals more damage upon exploding.
  • Bladder Beast: A creature derived from the Methug Commander. It is basically a huge pus bag that “moves” by inflating parts of its body via hydrogen, which makes it move surprisingly fast. Its primary attack is to toss corrosive globs from the poisonous sacks on its neck. If someone gets next to it, it will fully inflate itself and start hitting the target with the poison from its skin
  • Bull Soldier: Red demon-like creatures with two rocket launchers attached to their arms. The Bull Soldier wil fire its rockets one at a time, with each rocket aimed at the direction the player is moving. Once both rockets are fired, the Bull Soldier will have a brief “charge-up” period, then fire again.
  • Caterfighter: A large, green caterpillar-like creature with three sets of arms. Each set of arms has a different weapon.
  • Carcinus Lurker: Originally the police of Atlantis, Mental captured them and put in a chip in their brain that would make them only obey him. They attack with a laser beam, which they fire from their eye, and a melee attack for close range combat.
  • Chariot Harpy: The Chariot Harpy’s primary attack is to fire an explosive arrow at their target. In addition, they can injure anybody to their sides with the blades on their wheels. 
  • Centaur: A horse-like creature from the planet Ellenier. They are armed with bows and arrows, and will shoot arrows at the target from long range, or use a melee attack at close range.
  • Chimputee: A chimpanzee with its legs replaced with jets, wearing a pair of shades and armed with a grenade launcher and an axe. It fires banana grenades at the target. If they get too close to the Chimputee, it will attack the enemy with its axe.
  • Chimputee Battle Master: A much larger and more dangerous variant of the Chimputee that resembles a gorilla.
  • Cloned Soldier: A cybernetically modified clone of a human soldier. They are equipped with standard-issue pump-action shotguns, assault rifles, and sniper rifles.
  • Cyclops: A creature that was mutated in Sirian laboratories. It can fire a projectile, but its melee attack is even more dangerous, as its noxious skin can inflict a lot of damage if it gets close to the target.
  • Diablotaur: Originally made by the Romans as a powerful competitor in the Colosseum, the creature has been modified by Mental by replacing its arms with modern weapons and giving it a new skeleton made out of titanium.
  • Dib Dib Dum Dum: Once ordinary boy scouts, Mental modified them to serve as scouts for exploring new territory. Their only attack is to swing at the target with a knife.
  • Draconian Pyromaniac: A humanoid creature whose race is obsessed with fire. Pyromaniacs are equipped with a flamethrower that they use at their main form of attack. They will kick away the target should they get within melee range.
  • Dum-Dum: The Dum-Dum has only one attack, which is to bite the target. It will constantly charge forwards in order to get to their target.
  • Emetic Anthropolyp: Commonly referred to as "Belchers", these hideously malformed, bloated creatures hurl vomit at the target that can obscure their vision. When they are killed, they will explode.
  • Femikaze: A large, human woman that holds two bombs, which are strategically placed in order to cover her breasts. They behave much like the normal Beheaded Kamikaze; they will quickly run towards a target while screaming. When she touches the target, she will explode.
  • Gnaar: An omnivorous mammal from the planet Sirius. They have one large eye and strong, clawed hands, which use they to attack targets with at close range. Some Gnaars have the ability to levitate or even become invisible. The yellow-green-skinned females are larger and tougher than the purple-skinned males.
  • Kamikaze Marine Mark II: Originally Sirian soldiers that betrayed their own people in order to work with Mental. As they wanted to serve Mental, he brainwashed them into being loyal soldiers for him.
  • Knight: Creatures that leap at their target. They are equipped with shields that they use to protect themselves from attacks.
  • Legionnaire Ant: A human-sized ant that wields an energy spear and a shield. Its only attack is to throw energy spears at their enemies.
  • Leikung Warrior: Originally a servant of Leikung, the god of thunder, these warriors were eventually absorbed into Mental's army. Their loyalty to Leikung has transferred to Mental, making them very dangerous opponents.
  • Martial Arts Zombie: Zombies that were modified by Mental to serve as troops on the planet Chi-Fang.
  • Methug Commander: These creatures serve as commanders to Methug Soldiers.
  • Methug Soldier: A large, green creature with a robotic head that has a large red eye. It has two attacks, which involve either firing a green projectile or using its noxious skin to damage the target if they get right next to it.
  • Monkey Zombie: Originally ordinary monkeys that Mental obtained and brainwashed. He then re-purposed them to become members of his army. Their main attack is to slash the target with their knives.
  • Octanian Commander: A humanoid creature cybernetically controlled by a colony of polyps. They lead squads of Octanian Gamma Troopers and are protecte by an energy shield which they use in combat.
  • Octanian Gamma Trooper: Octanian foot soldiers armed with gamma-ray laser guns. They are usually seen patrolling combat zones and are led by a Commander.
  • Octanian Grenadier: Octanian soldier equipped with fragmentation grenades and rolling mines that he tosses at the target.
  • Octanian Legionnaire: Heavily armored Octanian foot soldier equipped with a mace and shield to deflect enemy attacks.
  • Octanian Sniper: Octanian soldier armed with a sniper rifle. They often seek elevated positions to take out their targets with their sniper rifles.
  • Octanian Zealot: Heavy Octanian foot soldier that is covered in heavy armor and wields a large hammer in combat.
  • Onan the Librarian: A large, axe-wielding barbarian with a muscular build. His attacks are firing axes at the target, and swiping away at the target with his axe if they get too close.
  • Orc Commander: A soldier equipped with red armor who has three attacks; firing homing shots from his plasma gun, throwing grenades, or kicking the target at close range.
  • Orc Destroyer: An Orc soldier that wields a blue plasma rifle and is equipped with blue armor. They fire a plasma ball at the target. This plasma ball has a very primitive homing capability and can travel on the ground.
  • Orc Grunt: This variant of Orc fires a two-round burst from their blaster, and is identified by its rusty grey armor.
  • Orc Gunner: An Orc soldier that wears yellow armor and is equipped with a shoulder-mounted rocket launcher.
  • Porcine Berserker: An unusual mix of a Roman gladiator and a boar. This mixture has made the Berserker quite aggressive and has greatly enlarged one of his arms. To take advantage of his larger than usual hand, the Berserker has been given a large broadsword.
  • Processed Anthropolyp: A human whose brain has been removed and replaced by a colony of polyps to take over its host's body. They wield metal blades on their arms which they use to slash their targets.
  • Primitive: Natives of the planet M'Digbo who were recruited by Mental. They are large, bulky humanoids that wield a spiked club and shield.
  • Siren: A fish-like creature and a native of the planet Valtos. When they spot a target, they will emerge from the water and a fire a projectile at them. After a few seconds, they will emerge from a different area and fire a projectile again.
  • Sirian Sphinx: A large, cat-like creature wearing traditional Egyptian clothes and wielding a mace. His attacks are firing electrical orbs at the target and summoning enemies.
  • Skeleton: Similar in appearance to normal Kleers, though Skeletons stand on their hind legs and use their front legs to carry weapons. They are equipped with swords that they use to attack their targets at close range, and carry shields to protect themselves from attacks.
  • Space Mummy: Undead monstrosities brought to life with dark magic. Their only attack is to fire a fireball at their target.
  • Spider (SS:DD): A cybernetic spider armed with a large volley of rockets.
  • Spiky Bulldog: A brown bulldog-like creature. Its attacks are biting or leaping at the target.
  • Tweedle Dum-Dum: A flying variant of the Dum-Dum which is similar to it behavior-wise, but, unlike the regular variant, the Tweedle Dum-Dum has a beanie hat and propeller, which provides reasonable maneuverability in the air.
  • Wickerman: These creatures will try to get close to the target and slap them. They run fairly slow, being vulnerable to attacks while spawning, and take a second to fully hit their target, making them easy to avoid.
  • Wolfiator: A bipedal creature with a wolf's head. Its attacks are the same as the Sirian Sphinx.
  • Zombie Soldier: An undead humanoid that wields a minigun. This minigun has good accuracy, making it deadly, even at long range.
  • Zombie Stockbroker: An undead stockbroker armed with a shotgun.
  • Zorg Commander: A bipedal, skinless lizard-like creature that is armed with a laser rifle that fires five laser beams, which are spread out from the center of the gun to create a 110 degree angle spread.
  • Zorg Mercenary: A weaker variety of Zorg soldier which fires a two-round burst from its gun.
  • Zumb'ul: A large humanoid creature armed with two plasma rocket launchers. They fire two rockets at an enemy from medium to far range, and deliver a melee attack if the targets approaches it.
Common Reptiloid SSHD

A Common Aludran Reptiloid, one of the many support units in Mental's army.

Support units[]

Creatures in Mental's army that mostly have ranged attacks, such as firing projectiles at targets from a distance. Others are equipped with ranged or automatic weapons to give them the upper hand in combat situations. As such, these enemies are often placed far away, such as on rooftops or other high areas, or to sometimes support the attacking force as a way to distract the target.

  • Adult Arachnoid: A holy warrior from a primitive race evolved from arthropods. Their tough exoskeleton covers a large area of their body, and augment their bodies with armor plates for better protection. Augmented pincers in adults contain built-in chainguns.
  • Albino Cyclops: Originally a giant worm from the planet Magnor, Mental discovered these giant worms and added arms and legs to them, but their body retracted soon after the body parts were added, making them look very large. When they spot a target, they fire homing orb-shaped projectiles at them.
  • Aludran Arachnoid: This Arachnoid fires a fireball out of its gun, but there is a noticeable delay between each shot. If someone is close to it, it will strike the target with its powerful tail.
  • Aludran Reptiloid: Highlander's Bride: A female Highlander Aludran Reptiloid. She behaves exactly like normal Highlanders, only though she boasts much more health and deals higher melee damage.
  • APC 404 Dropship: Troop transport for Mental's forces, mostly Orc soldiers.
  • Arachnoid: A scorpion-like creature with a humanoid torso. They carry a chaingun in one hand and use it to fire at the target from a distance. If the target gets too close, the Arachnoid will sting them.
  • Common Aludran Reptiloid: Medium-sized, four-handed reptilian creatures that cast magical homing fireballs from their hands. They will also whack the target if they get close.
  • Double Diva: An extremely large human (or humanoid) with several deformities; one of her hands has been replaced with a scythe, and there are several growths on her body. Double Diva has several attacks, depending on how much damage she has taken and where the target is.
  • Earth Giant: A massive elemental being made from stone. It can fire several projectiles from its mouth. After firing, it then grabs a rock from the ground and launches it at the target. Both of these attacks can deal a large amount of damage. If the target is within close enough range, the Earth Giant will kill them instantly with its melee attack.
  • Elephant Gunner: An elephant that has been altered by Mental to serve in his army. It is equipped with a cannon on its snout, has armor plating around its entire body, and enhanced hearing and sight. The Gunner's only attack is to fire a cannonball at its target.
  • Explosion Eater: A flying pig-like creature with a ‘trunk’ which enables it to suck explosive projectiles and fill its belly. If the target fires explosives at it, it will eat them. If it eats a lot of them, it will turn them into fireballs and fire them at the target.
  • Fiendian Reptiloid Demon: A large, red demon-like creature. These enemies will toss balls of lava at the target from a distance. If the target gets too close, the Demon will slash at them with its claws.
  • Flying Kleer: A winged Kleer Skeleton armed with a Blunderbuss. It fires a large fireball from the Blunderbuss.
  • Giant: A large purple monster that has a sawblade on its back. It has two attacks, either spinning its sawblade around, or breathing fire if the player gets too close to it. Its attacks can deal a lot of damage.
  • Guandi Sorcerer: Once a mainstay of Guandi's former armies, they were subsumed into Mental's forces, the sorcerers continue to wreak their havoc on the world, drawing upon Mental's dark powers to enhance their magic.
  • Gunrilla: A Sirian mutant with a mix of a gorilla. It fires cannonballs from a gun located on what was once its head. These cannonballs explode at close range.
  • Harpy: A flying creature combined with a mixture of parts, such as Flying Kleer wings. They have two attacks: fire an egg-shaped projectile and kick the target. Harpies greatly prefer to use their melee attack instead of firing projectiles.
  • Hatchling Arachnoid: A newborn Arachnoid equipped with a chaingun. As they are still developing, they have weaker exoskeletons than adults, and also do not have augmented armor implanted onto their bodies or built-in chainguns.
  • HellChick: The HellChick has two attacks; launch a homing bat projectile at the target from medium to far range, or, if someone gets too close, she will attack them with her trident.
  • Highlander Aludran Reptiloid: A much larger and more dangerous version of the Aludran Reptiloids. Unlike the Common Aludran Reptiloid, Highlanders fire their projectiles at a much faster rate, especially after having taken heavy damage.
  • Kalopsy: A strange creature that resembles a brain and flies around. A Kalopsy will also sometimes move around while firing a projectile to avoid its opponent's attacks, and will also fire projectiles for every time it takes damage.
  • Killermari Rider: A squid fused to a mobile chassis and adapted to live on land thanks to Mental's scientists. It behaves much like the Sirian Werebull and will charge towards the player as soon as they see them. They are often deployed in open spaces.
  • Khnum: A large, aggressive bipedal creature with demon-like horns, red eyes and large, hooved feet. They have several attacks; they will launch fireballs at an enemy from medium to far range, or stomp or whack the target in close proximity. Their high endurance and thick skin allows them to resist small-arms fire.
  • Kwongo: A massive gorilla-like creature. His attacks consist of firing rocks and smashing the target with one of his fists.
  • Lava Golem: A pile of lava magically brought to life. These inorganic creatures throw lava fireballs at targets from far away, or slam the ground to the target at close range. If a medium or large-sized Lava Golem is killed, it will split into smaller sized Golems.
  • Levitator: A female, blue-skinned humanoid alien inside a semi-transparent sphere with some sort of liquid inside it. The sphere is equipped with a laser gun, which she will fire at the target.
  • Lightning Man: A bluish humanoid creature with the ability to levitate in the air. They are often used as aerial support, where they attempt to distract the player from attacking targets on the ground.
  • Phoenix Bomber: A very large bird that flies overhead and throws large fireballs at the target. 
  • Prince Chan: A very large and fat humanoid creature looking like a sumo. His attacks are singing and slapping the target.
  • Martial Arts Master: The Master has one attack; fire a homing projectile at the player. This projectile can be dodged, but will bounce around if it misses until it destroys itself.
  • Mecha-Arachnoid: A mechanical scorpion with miniguns for claws and a laser gun on its tail. It was created from a scorpion that Mental had found in Ancient Egypt.
  • Mordekai the Summoner: One of Mental's dearest servants. He served him for over 3000 years. When he died, Mental missed him so much that he resurrected him, though he was a bit late in the process, leaving Mordekai brain-damaged. His only abilities are teleporting and summoning enemies with his staff.
  • Mumbo Jumbo: A shaman that has the ability to increase the strength of other enemies, and can also fire a projectile at his target.
  • Mummy: Undead creature that attacks its target by spitting at them.
  • Orc Footballer: A large, green humanoid creature that kicks footballs at the target.
  • Scrapjack: A large low-grade model of Mental's forces, created from sewn-together parts salvaged from KIA units of various other models. It is armed with two rocket launchers, and with three selectable heads to choose from depending on the situation, it can exhibit different behaviors, ranging from bland attacking to berserking rage.
  • Scorpion Soldier: A scorpion-like enemy that fires a burst of green projectiles at enemies.
  • Scythian Witch-Harpy: A female clone of an extinct Scythian race that were created by Mental. They are trained in casting magic spells and close quarters combat.
  • Statue: A living statue that fires projectiles at its target.
  • Technopolyp: A colonial organism that consists of millions of polyps that can hijack vehicles and machinery, namely helicopters. Their purpose is unknown, though they were likely engineered as a biological weapon.
  • Temple Guardian: A statue that has been brought to life with magic. Armed with cannons, they were meant to protect areas such as temples and castles from intruders. However, when Mental arrived in ancient China, he gained control of them and made them a part of his army.
  • Torcher Kitty: A cat inside a green liquid equipped with a jetpack. Their only attack is to fire a fireball at the target. When they are killed, their jetpack will malfunction and explode.
  • Ulgump: A small goblin creature that fires a large projectile at the target.
  • Witch-Bride of Achriman: A fallen sorceress of The Great Council who was mislead by the false promises of Mental's vassal Achriman, the ruler of the shadow plane. Now known as Witch-Brides of Achriman, they are trapped in the limbo between the shadow plane and the physical world. Their psychokinetic powers allow them to warp space in order to protect themselves or to crush their enemies.
  • Witch-Harpy: Originally a member of a species that consisted of female humanoids with wings, though Mental arrived and gave them an offer to join his army, they refused. In response, he disfigured their faces and enslaved them. Witch-Harpies have two attacks; throw a magic ball and melee. They will attempt to get close to their target so that they can use their melee attacks.
  • Yagoda the Witch: These witches refer to transformed winners of Mental's beauty contests. Originally, they were some of the most beautiful ladies in the galaxy. When they were recruited for Mental's beauty contests, they were transformed into ugly witches. With their self-esteem destroyed, they were easy to recruit into Mental's army.


While they play a small role in Mental's forces, they can still be useful nonetheless. Some vehicles are able to ride on land, while others can fly and provide support to the attacking force.

  • Alcor Class Warship: The most common of all Mental's spaceships, these ships are mainly used for troop deployment and basic "ground-scorching" with their scorcher beams, though they are not capable of complicated combat maneuvers or advanced attacks.
  • Biotank: A large tank-like vehicle that was made by Mental's scientists. 
  • Fatso Fighter: An attack aircraft equipped with lasers that will fire at a target as it flies by, and then come back round to fire again.
  • Fleet Fighter: An attack aircraft that moves around very fast and fires a projectile at the target.
  • Infantry "Kozak aHa-C64" Attack Helicopter: An attack helicopter equipped with rocket launchers, a machine gun, and bombs. It will use the rockets at a distance, but will switch to the machine gun if an enemy is close to it. It will drop a bomb if the target is underneath it.
  • Mine Bomber: A bomber aircraft that deploys flying mines to a specific target, then flies away.
  • Octanian Harvester Leviathan: A massive alien creature that has been converted into a mothership. It is used to deploy Combat Drones, Harvester Drones and Octanian Raiders into the airspace.
  • Octanian Raider: A highly maneuverable bomber aircraft designed to ensure aerial supremacy on the planets Mental invades. They are not piloted by Octanian troops, but by a colony of cyber-polyps.
  • Seagull Fighter: Bomber aircraft that drops several bombs on a specific location.
  • Space Fighter: A very fast black spaceship-like aircraft that fires rockets at the target.
  • Spaceship: A very large flying vehicle. Its only attack is to fire several projectiles from its cannons.

Cyborgs and robots[]

Most of the cybernetic creatures or robots that are part of Mental's forces have gone through extensive artificial or manufacturing processes, or were grown as biological mechanisms in Mental's bio-tanks. Some of these organisms have had their genome programmed to give them biologically grown mechanical parts.

  • Combat Drone: An Octanian drone that is often deployed in swarms. Octanian troops will sometimes use the drones to help maneuver them around in the air. When they spot the target, they will lock onto and fire at them with their laser turrets.
  • Cucurbito the Pumpkin: A genetically engineered humanoid who wears overalls, wields a chainsaw, and wears a pumpkin for a head. He was made by Mental by combining elements his time-traveling agents found in 20th-century Earth, including Smashing Pumpkins albums, a copy of the Burt Reynold's movie Deliverance, and a copy of Lumberjack Digest.
  • Dominant Bio-mechanoid: A large green cyborg that is equipped with two cannons attached to its sides.
  • Drone: A flying robot that fires red projectiles at the target.
  • Fattie Swallower: A large Scrapjack with a huge appetite. His attacks are firing large sawblades at the target, and launching projectiles of vomit at the air.
  • Female Bio-mechanoid: A female version of the Major Bio-mechanoid that attacks with a kiss of death and missiles.
  • Floater: A small floating robot with a large green "eye" in the center of their head, two arms and twin engines. It has two attacks fire a laser at the target, or attack the target with a melee attack if the target gets close to it.
  • Hugo: A robot armed with lasers, a rocket launcher, a cannon for a right arm, and a jet pack, and armored with near-invincible plating.
  • Major Bio-mechanoid: These large, red cyborgs are armed with rocket launchers that are attached to biologically designed side slots and are directly connected to its nervous system. The large head serves mainly as a battery containment, thus they are not very intelligent. As their rockets can quickly reach their targets and they can take several hits before being destroyed, they can be very dangerous if not eliminated.
  • Saggitarian Sidewinder: A large mechanical creature with a body that resembles a snake and flies around in the air. It is an ancient machine of war that was used during one of Mental's previous attempts to take over the galaxy.
  • Minor Bio-mechanoid: A smaller and slightly less dangerous variety of the Major Bio-mechanoid that is bluish in color, and armed with two pulse lasers attached to either side of its body.
  • Propaganda Drone: A robot that is used for propaganda purposes. They are deployed into the streets of cities and other places where people live to taunt them into joining Mental's army. It sometimes shows a hologram of Lord Achriman.
  • Octochop: A creature made by the Atlanteans for military purposes. Its primary attack is to jump on the target when the target is close to it. Its large jump allows it to easily hit any human-shaped target.
  • Raahloom, the Imposing Prototype: A much larger, tougher and dangerous version of the Scrapjack. He was the first great prototype of Mental's Necromechanoid Project, and was created from sewn-together parts of massive beasts, such as Highlander Aludran Reptiloids.
  • Rhino Cybertoy: A large, brown rhino wind-up toy that has two large horns and a key protruding from its back. Its only attack is to ram into the target. If it misses, it will turn around and try again.
  • Rollerball: A large, purple robot and a rolling version of the Spawner. Its only attack is to roll onto the target.
  • Spawner: A modified Rollerball designed to spawn weak enemy forces. It resembles a Rollerball with mechanical legs, a few pistons and pipes. Spawners occasionally shoot fast-moving balls of plasma in an arc in between spawning.
  • Spawner Bio-mechanoid: This variant of Bio-mechanoid is yellow, and has two Marsh Hopper spawners on its sides.
  • Spider Mechanoid: Arachnid-like cyborgs which fire projectiles at the player from a distance, or bite the player at close range.
  • Subterranean Hydra Emperor: A cybernetically altered monster that has three heads, each with different attacks.
  • T-Mech: This cyborg is, apparently, the son of the Major Bio-mechanoid, though it has the head of a T-Rex with a cigar in its mouth. It behaves pretty much the same as the Major Bio-mechanoid.
  • Tank Bio-mechanoid: A mixture of leftovers from a Sirian slaughterhouse, a caterpillar mount, and Plasma Cannons for hands. The mount allows it to travel on many types of terrain, making it useful for many different types of environments.
  • The General: Modified Bull Soldiers that have a Tank Bio-mechanoid's lower body. This combines the Bull Soldier's rocket launchers with the Tank Bio-mechanoid's maneuverability, which makes it a deadly foe.
  • Tyrannosaurus: A large, blue mechanical Tyrannosaurus-like enemy that is similar in appearance to the T-Mech. Its only attack is to launch missiles at the player.

Creatures and wildlife[]

Aurigan Cave Demon

Aurigan Cave Demons are an example of some of the many strange and dangerous creatures that Mental uses in his army.

Though not really considered to be part of Mental's ranks due to their low intelligence or other reasons, Mental still nonetheless decided to have these creatures included in his army. They are often from different planets, and have many unique characteristics. Some of these creatures have been altered by Mental to enhance their capabilities.

  • Adult Zubenhakrabian Spider: An arachnid-like alien whose size was enhanced by Mental to make them more aggressive. They are tougher than the nymphs.
  • Aurigan Cave Demon: A nocturnal bloodthirsty predator that lurks in the darkness, often clinging onto walls or pillars. When unsuspecting prey draws near, they will leap out and strike at the target with their sharp claws, then retreat and hide again.
  • Aurigan Haemovore: A strange humanoid creature originating from the same planet as the Cave Demon. It has many abilities akin to that of a vampire, including sucking the target's blood and transforming into a swarm of bats.
  • Beetle (SS:DD): A large beetle-like creature with a green exoskeleton and an orange body. It has two horns, but it seems that the horns have been transformed into a flamethrower. The front of the Beetle is completely invulnerable to attacks, but the orange body that's behind it is vulnerable to attacks, such as bullets and rockets.
  • Beetle (SSVR:TLH): A small flying creature that is spawned by the Swamp Hive. Its only attack is to explode into the target.
  • Bone Snake: A large creature with a snake-like skeleton and one foot. They fire fast-moving projectiles in bursts.
  • Bullmare: A transparent bull-like creature that rams into the target with its horns. It can only be killed with explosions.
  • Cerberus: The Cerberus was created because of Mental's interest in Ancient Greek mythology and having a three-headed dog. Their main attack is to charge at the target.
  • Devil Stallion: A strange creature that is a mixture of DNA of horses and Aludran Reptiloids. Being a hybrid, the Reptiloid DNA within the Devil Stallion's genes enables it to breathe fire, making it quite powerful. In addition, it was given a pair of wings in order to fly. To top it off, Mental's researchers gave it an undying loyalty to Mental and cast some black magic on it in order to make it more resistant to enemy attacks.
  • Evil Ferdinand: A variant of the Sirian Werebull that is black in color and behaves similar to the normal variant, though he is stronger and leaves a trail of fire behind.
  • Flying Kleer: This type of Kleer is basically a winged Kleer skeleton armed with a blunderbuss.
  • Giant Flea: A large flea-like creature with a green shell, an orange underbelly and a pink sock on one of his hind legs. It has no attacks.
  • Hatchling Antaresian Spider: A newborn Antaresian spider. As they are hatchlings, their jaws and exoskeleton are underdeveloped, thus they can be killed easily by squishing them under one's foot. They can bite at close range, or fire balls of acid from glands in their tails from a distance. Alone they are not a threat, but a pack of them can be dangerous.
  • Hermit Crabuloid: A small hermit crab-like creature with a shell that is completely impervious to weapon fire. It is armed with a short-range weapon that it uses when it is right next to its target.
  • Juvenile Antaresian Spider: Larger and more dangerous than the hatchlings, a juvenile already has developed jaws and exoskeleton, and are more resilient to gunfire than the hatchlings. As they are much bigger in compassion, they can't be stomped on, but it is possible to rip their carapace apart, which kills the juvenile instantly.
  • Juvenile Sirian Werebull: A small and weaker variant of the Sirian Werebull, though they are genetically programmed with the same ferocity and temperament as their normal counterparts.
  • Killer Plant: A hostile cactus that will fire a rocket at the target. It does not move.
  • Kleer Skeleton: An undead skeleton of a being from an extinct race from the planet Kleer, of Alpha Canis Majoris. They will charge towards their target, and leap out to attack with their sharp claws. At closer range, they will repeatedly slash at them. From further distances, Kleers can conjure twin chainballs one after another in a single direction towards the target.
  • Lizard: A strange reptilian creature. They will bite at the target if they get too close.
  • Marsh Hopper: A small, greenish frog-like alien originating from the planet Rigil Kentaurus. They are social creatures, and live in large groups, but have a suicidal instinct to protect their territory. In all-devastating havoc, they will attempt to leap at an enemy and explode by over inflating themselves. Upon exploding, toxic slime from within their intestines splashes the target.
  • Megalopolyp: An enormous tentacled creature assembled from millions of tiny organisms called protopolyps. It uses its tentacles as its main form of attack.
  • Mental's Pet Hamster: A large hamster-like creature with multiple eyes. It has three pairs of legs and a segmented body which resembles that of a caterpillar.
  • Pterodactyl: A pterodactyl that has been altered by Mental to carry bombs. The ones that carry bombs will follow the target, and then drop it on them.
  • Reeban Electro-Fish: An aquatic fish-like alien from the planet Reeb. When it spots an enemy, it fires a bolt of electricity from the light attached to its head. The bolt will disorient the enemy upon contact. This makes the Electro-Fish very dangerous in groups, as a constant barrage of lightning will constantly disorient the enemy, making it difficult for the victim to fight back.
  • Reeban Tooth Fish: A relative of the Electro-Fish, these creatures bite their target instead of using electrical attacks.
  • Sandwhale: A very large, aggressive territorial creature. It is unknown how they were transported to Earth or if they are even associated with Mental's Horde, but it is suspected that they were accidentally brought to Earth in microscopic larvae state from a desert planet in Gamma Pegasi. They appear to mostly feed on sediments or minerals, though if its territory is disturbed, they are able to swallow a heavy assault tank whole, without chewing. These creatures are so well protected by their thick scales that there are no known ways to kill one short of nuclear weapons.
  • Sirian Werebull: A hybrid creature consisting of Sirian and cattle DNA. It behaves just like an ordinary bull and uses its immense speed, strength and its horns to rip its targets to pieces.
  • Slug: A slug-like creature that uses two 'hands' to move around. Its only attack is to get close to the target and melee them.
  • Swamp Hive: A large spider-like creature with pointy legs. It has two attacks, hitting the targets with its legs and spawning small flying creatures called Beetles.
  • Tentaculus: A massive, bluish-green worm-like creature that is armed with many tentacles. Its attacks consists of damaging the target with its tentacles and spawning Reeban Electro-Fish from its mouth(s).
  • Therizinosaurus: A large, blue feathered dinosaur that was modified by Mental to fire plasma balls at the target from a plasma cannon on its back.
  • Vuvuzelator: A strange living pile of pancakes that has forks for legs and vuvuzelas sticking out of it. When it gets close to the target, it will begin playing loud music, which hurts the target as long as it is within its music radius. When its health has been reduced to 0, it will start playing its vuvuzelas and play them at a higher pitch until it explodes.
  • Zubenhakrabian Spider Nymph: Newborn Zubenhakrabian spiders that will either fire acid at the target or bite them. They are deadly in swarms but can easily be killed due to their fragile exoskeletons.
  • ZumZum: A large hornet-like creature. It has two attacks: spawning ZumZum Jr.s and shooting projectiles at the target. It will also charge at the target to try and sting them.

Combat technology[]

Mental employs many devices and weapons which are used for monitoring important locations, or to defend a strategic objective, and are powered by magic, technology, or both. Some of these weapons are human inventions that have been re-designed or modified by Mental to enhance them for his own needs.

  • Cannon Turret: A medieval cannon placed on a platform, armed with uranium-filled cannonballs.
  • Flying Mine: An explosive device that flies at its target and explode upon impact with them.
  • Missile Silo: Automatic weapon system that fires a large number of projectiles at its target.
  • Octanian Sentry Tower: An automonous sentry weapon equipped with machine guns and rocket launchers.
  • Plasma Cannon: A large mechanical device that fires balls of plasma at its targets.
  • Rocket Turret: An immobile turret which fires rockets at the target. Rocket turrets are usually on the ground, but some will be above their target in order to catch their target off guard.
  • Rotating Cannon: An enhanced medieval cannon attached to a rotating wooden base.
  • Static Cannon: Functions just like the rotating cannon, but is immobile and can only fire when the target moves past.




  1. Octanians' NETRICSA description
  2. Common Aludran Reptiloid NETRICSA description
  3. Serious Sam 4 level: Vive la Résistance (conversation between Charlie and Sam)
  4. Fiendian Reptiloid Demon NETRICSA description
  5. Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Serious Sam 3: BFE
  7. Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Serious Sam 4
  9. Lord Achriman NETRICSA description
  10. Serious Sam Fusion loading screen trivia