The Major Bio-mechanoid (colloquially known as the "Walker" by Earth Defense Force soldiers) is a very dangerous enemy featured in many games in the Serious Sam franchise. A tough and formidable opponent armed with a pair of rocket launchers, it is one of the deadliest enemies in the series.
Aside from being a regular enemy, the Major Bio-mechanoid is fought as a boss or mini-boss in some of its appearances. It serves as the second boss in Serious Sam 3: BFE and Serious Sam: The Random Encounter, the first boss of Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem, the first tutorial boss of Serious Sam: Tormental, and the boss of Deep Space Mine, the fourth environment in I Hate Running Backwards.
The Major Bio-mechanoid is a large, red bipedal cyborg that stands approximately 9 meters tall. It has a large battery case that resembles a brain constituting the majority of its body, and bony spikes protruding from its "back" (in some games, it doesn't have these features), and metallic chicken-like legs. It is an upgraded versions of its smaller and weaker cousin, the Minor Bio-mechanoid. Like the latter, the Major is a biological mechanism that was grown in Mental's bio-tanks. Its DNA has been genetically engineered to enable it to grow mechanical parts, like the large battery contained within its skull.[1] This battery powers two extremely lethal rocket launchers attached to the creature's custom-grown weapon slots.[2]
The Major has two large, chicken-like legs which it uses to move around. Said legs contain servo rotors, which are very loud when it moves and can easily give away its presence.[2]
Major Bio-mechanoids are some of the most dangerous enemies seen in Mental's forces. Their high health, speed, and the rockets they fire can make them extremely dangerous if they are not eliminated quickly.
Like Khnums, Major Bio-mechanoids are usually deployed to provide heavy support into areas where Mental's troops are being overrun by or are faced with heavy resistance from opposing forces. They can be encountered several at a time, or, in full-scale combat, can be seen in medium-sized groups of up to a dozen or more.
Whenever Major Bio-mechanoids are encountered, they usually appear on the third or fourth levels all the way to the final level, and sometimes as a miniboss when they first appear, although they can also appear in secrets.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter[]
Major Bio-mechanoids first appear in "Valley of the Kings", but can appear in two pairs after the player attempts to enter the desert outside the starting area in "Temple of Hatshepsut". In the later levels, they become more numerous as the player begins to acquire more powerful weapons and enemies start becoming more and more numerous. Several dozen Majors, along with Minor Bio-mechanoids, are fought on the final level, "The Great Pyramid", where the player has to deal with hordes of Mental's forces before proceeding to the Great Pyramid.
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]
Majors first appear in "Valley of the Jaguar", where they are also accompanied by Minors. Later on in both games, they become more common, serving as support to lighweight troops, attempting to distract the player from attacking other enemies.
A Major can also be summoned in the "We Got Skulls'n'Bones Too" Deathmatch map by activating a switch on top of one of the fortresses. When summoned, it will target any players that get too close, even the one who summoned it, and will continue doing so until it is slain. This can only be done on the classic version of the game.
Serious Sam: Next Encounter[]
Majors first appear in "Via Aurelia" and then in most of the levels afterwards. They usually appear with groups of weaker enemies. A large group of them appear with a Highlander Aludran Reptiloid at the end of "The Corridors Of Power".
Serious Sam: Double D[]
The first Major appears in "Carrion Caverns" in the original version of the game, while in Serious Sam: Double D: XXL, they first appear in "Dinofighter". Majors don't seem to be as common in this game compared to other Serious Sam games. When they do appear, they are usually seen with Minor Bio-mechanoids.
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]

The Major Bio-mechanoid as seen for the first time in Serious Sam 3: BFE.
In Serious Sam 3, Sam first encounters a Major Bio-mechanoid after it shoots down Garret's helicopter that was meant to extract him out of Cairo at the end of "Broken Wings". It serves as a boss, complete with a health bar. Subsequent Major Bio-mechanoids serve as heavyweight front-line units and can be encountered every now and then. Usually there are only one to a few major Bio-mechanoids in combat at a time, supporting weaker front-line enemies. They appear more frequently in co-op mode.
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]
The first Major appears in "Public Library No:1". Majors often appear with groups of weaker enemies like Beheaded Kamikazes, and in the later levels, they often appear in small groups.
I Hate Running Backwards[]
In I Hate Running Backwards, the Major is the fourth boss in the game, and is fought at the end of Deep Space Mine.
Serious Sam: Tormental[]
The Major Bio-mechanoid is the first boss encountered in this game, serving as the boss of the tutorial. It appears in the Egypt stage and was responsible for shooting down Sam's helicopter.
Serious Sam 4[]
First encountered in "The Die Is Cast", Majors seen in the game are just as common as they are in Serious Sam 3, though they don't appear as a boss this time around. In the last level, "From Earth With Love", numerous Majors can be seen along with Khnums and hordes of Octanian Gamma Troopers, fighting the Earth Defense Force soldiers and attempting to stop them from neutralizing the portal.
Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]
The first Major is encountered as a boss in the optional side objective "Energize" in "The Song Of The Stormbringer". It will teleport around the arena while enemies will continue to spawn in. Small Majors also appear dressed up as health pills in a secret, and fire green lasers instead of rockets. Two Majors also appear in "A Smell Of Petroleum Prevails" after picking up a secret health pill. More are encountered throughout "The Song Of The Stormbringer" and later levels, especially in New Game+. A secret Major disguised as a wooden cabin can be discovered early on in "Roadside Picnic".
Behavior and skills[]
Like Minor Bio-mechanoids, Majors are not very intelligent, as the batteries they are equipped with are not sufficent enough to grant them any kind of complex tactical processing.[3] Despite this flaw in their programming, they are extremely hostile towards their targets, and will do whatever it takes to eliminate them, even in the line of friendly fire.
The Major's primary attack is firing two rockets at the target from their rocket launchers. They do not fire their rockets simultaneously, which can aid the Major in firing at mobile targets. For example, if the player is strafing right and a rocket misses, then starts strafing left, the second rocket will fire at the player even though they are going in the opposite direction. After firing its rockets, the Major will have a brief cool-down period, often get closer to the player, and continue firing again.
The rockets fired by the Major rockets do not track the player, but are moderately fast and extremely deadly, especially at close range. They deal a lot of damage and can easily rip through the player's health and armor. On higher difficulties, being hit by even a single rocket can result in instant death. When killed, a Major will fire one last rocket as a last resort. This behavior is not seen in Serious Sam 3 (non-Fusion version) and every game from Serious Sam 4 onwards.
Due to the Major's immense size, touching it will inflict a lot of Kicking damage (30 in Serious Sam HD, 200 in Serious Sam 3), in the same manner as the T-Mech from Serious Sam 2. The Major does not have a melee attack in most games, though in Serious Sam 4, it will stomp on the player for 50 damage if they get too close. This behavior is most easily seen in the Mech section of The Song Of The Stormbringer in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.
Serious Sam: Double D[]
In Serious Sam: Double D, unlike the other games, Majors only fire one rocket at the player instead of two. Major Bio-mechanoids can also be jumped and walked on without being hurt when the player touches it. In addition, jump pads will stick on dead ones, giving one more height to reach a platform.
Serious Sam HD[]
Majors have a different way of firing rockets in Serious Sam HD than in the classic versions. In the classic version, they fire firstly from the left and then from the right, while in HD they fire first from the right, then from the left. This is useful to know when attempting to fire down its rockets. In the Serious Sam Fusion versions, they alternate between firing right and left rocket first.
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
In Serious Sam 3, Major Bio-mechanoids are even more dangerous than their Serious Sam 1 counterparts; they can strafe left or right and shoot simultaneously, and when it runs low on health due to consistent damage, it activates a "berserk" mode, which consists of a rapid volley of missiles. This, along with AI behavior which causes it to not always walk in a straight path towards the player like its classic counterpart, can make hitting it with a rocket launcher tricky at certain distances. They also do not shoot a rocket upon death. On the other hand, their rockets are now slightly slower than in previous games, traveling at a speed of only 25.5 m/s instead of 30 m/s like before.
The boss fought in the level Broken Wings has unique AI which makes it much more deadlier compared to the ones that appears as normal enemies; the boss has the unique ability to quickly sprint towards the player, and can still use its berserk mode when under heavy fire, which is extremely deadly if it happens to be sprinting around at the same time. It also has roughly three times as much health as its normal counterpart.
On higher difficulties when playing on the Serious Sam Fusion version, Majors can fire barrages of rockets even at full health.
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter[]
Unlike other games, Majors in Serious Sam: The Random Encounter fire a large amount of lasers instead of rockets, though they can deal a lot of damage to the player's characters, especially if multiple of them hit a character.
Serious Sam: Tormental[]
The Major Bio-mechanoid behaves the same as in other games, but its rockets are slower and home in on the player. It also holds its rocket launchers upwards instead of having them face the same direction as the Major.
Serious Sam 4/Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]
Majors in these titles behave just like they do in Serious Sam 3, and will also enter a 'berserk' state when at low health. If they take a lot of damage quickly, they will become temporarily stunned.
Majors are now more dangerous as they have a powerful stomp attack that they use if the player is within melee range. On the other hand, their health has been slightly reduced from 750 to 730, allowing them to be instantly gibbed with a fully charged cannonball without the cannonball exploding on impact.
The Major Bio-mechanoid is one of the few enemies that can be ridden by the player if they have unlocked the "Rodeo Time" skill on the S.A.M. skill tree. In order to mount it, though, the player needs to stun it first. When riding a Major, the same controls for riding a vehicle apply to the Major. The player can fire the Major's rockets by pressing the primary fire key, and have the Major perform a stomp attack with the secondary. Like other mountable enemies, enemies will target the Major instead of the player. Also, the Major's health will be displayed by a HUD icon on the bottom-left corner of the screen. If the Major is killed, the player will be dismounted from it.
Like other rideable enemies, the Major can only be ridden for a limited amount of time before it automatically ejects the player.
- A charged up SBC Cannon shot can kill a Major Bio-mechanoid in one hit. This is very useful if the player needs to pick off Majors quickly. Because charged up cannonballs can quickly travel across an area, this makes the cannon useful against Majors at any range. However, this depletes cannon ammunition rather quickly, and it is best to use the cannon against other enemies as well, such as large masses of Kleer Skeletons or Sirian Werebulls.
- A Major Bio-mechanoid is a very deadly enemy if left unchecked; its rockets can inflict major damage, even with splash damage. It should be one of the first enemies targeted in a group of enemies, even if there are fast enemies like Kleer Skeletons following the player.
- A Major's rockets can be destroyed with any weapon. Therefore, in situations when a Major spawns very close, it is recommended to switch to a rapid-fire weapon and aim at its weapons.
- Avoid standing near or in front of walls. Remember that a Major Bio-mechanoid's rockets will explode on impact and the splash damage can hit the player from behind or the side.
- Major Bio-mechanoids should be considered a medium-priority target when paired with other enemies. Its attacks may be powerful but they are relatively easy to dodge, at least in open areas. In smaller, less spacious places, Majors are high-priority enemies, and should be taken out immediately.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]
- When not having a cannon, the MK III Grenade Launcher and XPML21 Rocket Launcher are good options to take them out. The XL2 Lasergun and XM214-A Minigun work well too, but it quickly depletes ammunition.
- Jumping when Major Bio-mechanoids fire makes them fire rockets further away, thus reducing the chance of getting hit by splash damage of rockets hitting the ground.
- In Serious Sam HD, the player should never touch Major Bio-mechanoids directly, as they will deal a lot of damage to the player.
- In The Second Encounter, if the player has Serious Damage active, they can mow down Majors with weapons that usually take a long time to kill them, such as the Thompson submachine gun. Powerful weapons like the minigun and rocket launcher can deal even more damage and only take a couple of hits to kill one. This is especially useful when facing groups of Majors.
- In The Second Encounter, the RAPTOR Sniper Rifle can kill a Major in four zoomed-in shots (five in the HD release), making this weapon useful for taking down individual Majors from far away. With Serious Damage on, one zoomed-in shot (two in HD) will kill a Major.
- In the We Got Skulls'n'Bones Too deathmatch map, spawning the Major can be useful in distracting an enemy player by forcing them to waste their ammo on the Major, allowing for an easy frag on that player. However, the Major will target even the player who spawned it, so they should be careful to not get blown up by its rockets while fighting off other players.
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
- The Major is very fast, so the player should start sprinting away from it when it is getting too close. Its rocket barrages are very difficult to effectively dodge if it is near them.
- It has one major weakness; it can be harmed from the explosion damage from its own rockets. To take advantage of this, the player should position themselves near the center structure in the arena so that the Major's rockets on one side will hit the the wall, doing a good amount of damage to it. Repeating this, along with a few shots from the 12 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun, will quickly kill it.
- The hidden Double Barrel Coach Gun and Lasergun from Into the Spider's Nest are effective against the Major if the player managed to get either of them earlier. The coach gun does double the amount of damage that the pump-action shotgun does if all pellets connect, and the Major's large size makes it easy for most of the pellets to hit, while the Lasergun does comparable damage to the minigun and makes quick work of the Major.
- If the player has the M29 Infantry Assault Rifle, they can use it to damage the Major and destroy its rockets.
- The player can quick-kill the Major with the Sledgehammer if playing on Tourist difficulty.
- The numerous pillars in the arena make great cover for dodging the Major's rockets. However, this will not last long as the Major will actively track the player and the pillars will be destroyed quickly. So the player needs to ensure there are some distance from the Major if they wish to take cover.
- When facing a Major, the player should make sure there's a decent amount of distance between them. The Major's rocket bursts are difficult to escape unscathed when the player is close to it. It will attempt to get close to to the player in order to give them less room to avoid its rockets, so if they see it walking, they should sprint away from it, then start firing again.
- The Major can still be easily dispatched from a single charged shot of the cannon. It has a short charge time, allowing the player to quickly kill it in one shot.
- Multiple Majors can be dispatched with either the cannon, minigun, or Devastator. The cannon's charge-up period is fast enough that it can quickly fire the amount of cannonballs needed to clear out a group of Majors, the minigun has a fast enough rate of fire to quickly defeat Majors, and the Devastator's projectiles are fast enough that it can wipe out a group of Majors with ease.
- A single C-4 Demolition Charge is all that is required to kill one, provided it is stuck onto the Major Bio-mechanoid. Even if the player is unable to toss a charge on it, a small pile of C-4 can kill the Major (at least three blocks are needed).
- It is also possible to kill one using the Sirian Mutilator, but this may prove difficult, as the Major Bio-mechanoid will physically pull the beam, bringing the player much closer to a potential danger zone. The Mutilator also requires charging near to the point of overheating to kill one Major Bio-mechanoid, this leaves the player very prone to being attacked.
- The rocket launcher is effective against the Major, but the player needs to be somewhat close to the Major in order to effectively use it, as, like the Khnum, they can avoid rockets. If possible, use the A-24 Devastator instead, as its projectiles are fast enough that the Major cannot dodge them.
- When faced with other enemies, the Major Bio-mechanoid is very dangerous because of the large amount of rockets it can fire in one burst. These rockets can do a good to significant amount of damage even if one or two hit, so the Major(s) should be killed before they can hit the player with a rocket or two while they are pre-occupied with other enemies.
- On higher difficulties, they should be a medium-priority target, especially when they are not closing in. While the rockets do a lot of damage, they are relatively slow, easy to dodge, and can be shot down with rapid-fire weapons. A lot of more lightweight enemies have harder to dodge attacks, most especially Arachnoids, Common Aludran Reptiloid, and Cloned Soldiers.
Serious Sam: Next Encounter[]
- Strafing left or right is enough to dodge the Major's rockets.
- When fighting a Major, make sure not to have a wall close to the player's back. Rockets that strike the wall near them back can still do damage via the rocket's explosion.
- The RAPTOR Sniper Rifle is extremely effective against the Major; one zoomed in shot will kill it.
- If a RAPTOR is unavailable for whatever reason, a volley of four or so rockets from the XPML4000 Rocket Launcher will kill it. Remember that these rockets will take a while to get to the Major, especially if its far away.
- The Sirian Power Gun is quite effective against Majors, especially if there are more than one attacking. Its high damage output is very useful for killing multiple Majors quickly if the player can't or won't use the sniper rifle for whatever reason.
- Majors should be considered a high-priority target. Their rockets can be dangerous if they're left unchecked while dodging other enemies.
Serious Sam: Double D[]
- The Major Bio-mechanoid's rockets can be dodged by jumping over them. As soon as the Major's rockets can be seen, jump. This gives the player enough time for it to fly past while they're in the air. This works even if they don't see the rocket as soon as it appears.
- The Major's rockets can be destroyed by shooting them with the player's guns. This can be handy if they are caught in a situation where they can't run towards the Major, or they are facing multiple Majors and need to neutralize the rockets of one of them while dodging the other's rockets.
- Gunstacks featuring multiple powerful weapons, such as the LM32 Rocket Launcher and MadDog Grenade Launcher, are needed against the Major Bio-mechanoid. These are the only weapons that can deplete the Major Bio-mechanoid's health in a reasonable amount of time.
- The 0-4377 Flamethrower works great for destroying it's rockets. Put one on a gunstack and hold down the fire key. While the other guns are firing, the Flamethrower will destroy any incoming rockets if the player hasn't jumped over it.
- When paired with other enemies, the Major is a real threat. Its projectiles are quite powerful, which can be very dangerous if they manage to hit the player while they are dodging other projectiles. Taking it out ASAP assures that they player will not be hit by its rockets when they least expect it.
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]
- Avoid the Major’s rockets by strafing or dashing onto the opposite direction.
- The cannon, rocket launcher, Devastator and Erasergun are effective against lone and multiple Majors.
- The minigun and laser cannon are also effective against Majors. However, this drains ammo rather quickly.
- The Auto Shotgun and The Shaft are also useful against close range Majors. The auto shotgun can drain the Major’s health quickly, while the shaft can deal a lot of damage to the Major, as it is metal-based.
- When paired with other enemies, the Major is a high-priority target, as its rockets can deal a lot of damage if they player isn't paying attention to it.
Serious Sam: Tormental[]
- As it is the first boss in the game, the Major Bio-mechanoid is not very difficult to destroy. Its rockets can be easily avoided by strafing, and the basic weapon can quickly deplete its health due to its high rate of fire. The player can also damage the Major Bio-mechanoid with its rockets if they destroy the rockets while they are too close to it.
Serious Sam 4[]
- Thanks to the dual-wielding system, Majors are much easier to defeat than before. Dual-wielding a minigun with another powerful weapon will make quick work of Majors.
- Groups of Majors can destroyed very quickly thanks to the nature of the projectiles fired by the FRPCL. The weapon will lock onto a Major and once the player fires, it will go straight for the Major and shred it in seconds, then go onto the next Major and do the same, making it a very useful weapon if the player has acquired it. The chainsaw rockets themselves will not last very long, though, so more may be needed when facing multiple Majors.
- Thanks to the homing upgrade for the rocket launcher, the player doesn't need to worry about their rockets missing a Major when firing, so long as they are within clear range of it. It takes roughly five homing rockets to kill one, so it is best if the player loads five at once and fires them all at the same time to maximize the chances of them hitting the Major.
- For large groups of Majors, dual-wielded cannons and Devastators are extremely effective for taking them down. It is best they are targeted with these weapons quickly so the player doesn't have to deal with them later on.
- For obvious reasons, never get too close to a Major. It can deal massive damage to the player either with its rockets or its stomp attack.
- If the player has the appropriate S.A.M. skills, they can mount a Major and use it to destroy enemies until its health is depleted.
- When riding a Major, its rockets are quite powerful, although its slow movement speed makes it an easy target for Gnaars (especially females), Aludran Reptiloids, Beheaded Kamikazes, Kleer Skeletons, and Processed Anthropolyps. As such, enemies with hitscan attacks, homing projectiles, and especially Kamikazes should be taken out as soon as possible when riding a Major.
Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]
- During the fight, the Major will teleport in only three specific locations on top of different buildings. The player should immediately take note of this when the battle starts.
- Do not waste time taking out the Gnaars and Kamikazes that spawn in this fight; they will continue to spawn as long as the Major is alive and doing so is a waste of precious ammunition. It will also take off a lot of the player's health and/or armor and distract them from the attacking Major.
- It is crucial that the player doesn't get distracted during the fight, as the Major's rockets can come out of nowhere and without warning, which can severely wound the player or kill them if they're not paying enough attention.
- If the player has unlocked the dual-wielding skills, dual-wielded AK-74MXs will work very well against the Major, and can make quick work of it.
- This fight can be made a whole lot easier if the player has any Time Warp gadgets to spare, as they will be able to quickly deplete the Major's health before it can teleport away and not have to worry too much about the enemies that spawn.
- On New Game+, the Major can easily be destroyed with the use of Rage Serums and powerful weapons.
- The same weapons from Serious Sam 4 and tactics work just as well against Majors in this installment.
- The TCC-2 "Perun" Crossbow and XPMR "Burner" Raygun can make short work of a Major, especially if dual-wielded. The Perun can send a Major into a stunned state to briefly prevent it from attacking, while the Burner can both kill the Major and severely damage any nearby enemies at the same time.
- The AK-74MX is extremely effective against Majors if the player has a Rage Serum active.
- Groups of Majors can be easily eradicated with the T.A.C.T., but it should only be used as a last-resort, given how rare these gadgets are.
- If the player has acquired the FRPCL in the third cycle of New Game+, the FRPCL is extremely effective at taking out groups of Majors and any other tough enemies that spawn alongside them.
- The M1A1 Abrams's tank cannon is deadly against this enemy, and should be used as much as possible so that its rockets don't catch up and damage the tank in time.
Behind the scenes[]
- An early model for the Major Bio-mechanoid can be seen in Test 1. It's lower-poly, had a completely different skin, and a rougher death animation. Also all earlier builds of Serious Sam had the same model as the one from Test 1.
- Pre-Test 1 images and Serious Sam Origins show that the Alpha Major was blue.
- The Major has an unused animation named ObstacleCrush_Kick in the Serious Sam 3 game files. This would have been used for its melee attack.
- The Major in Serious Sam 4 has undergone several designs before making to the final version, as seen in early concept sketches.[4]
Related achievements[]
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
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Blow a Major Bio-mechanoid into pieces. |
Serious Sam: Double D: XXL[]
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Kill a Red Biomechanoid with only chainsaws. |
Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE[]
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Blow a Major Bio-mechanoid into pieces. |
Serious Sam Fusion[]
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Blow a Major Bio-mechanoid into pieces. |
I Hate Running Backwards[]
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Kill Biomechanoid |
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Kill the Biomechanoid without being hit |
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Kill Biomechanoid while four curses are active. |
- The Major in Serious Sam 3 bears a slight resemblance to the Arachnotron from the Doom series. Like the Arachnotron, they are both cyborgs armed with dangerous weapons.
- In Serious Sam 3, the boss behavior can be applied to any Major in the Serious Editor by changing its state to "Boss".
- In Serious Sam 4, the rockets fired by the Major in reuse the same model as the one fired by the Major in Serious Sam 3.
- Scientists researching the Major at the Gnosis Alpha Orbital University have found that the Major incorporates DNA from a species of Marsh Hopper found on Rigil Kentaurus, as well as several purely synthetic sequences. This would likely explain their extreme hostility upon noticing a target; a trait that is shared with Marsh Hoppers.[4]
- Major Bio-mechanoids are often the culprits responsible for shooting down EDF helicopters. This occurs three times throughout the Serious Sam 3 campaign, and once in Serious Sam: Tormental.
- Majors appear noticeably more aggressive in Serious Sam 3 and Serious Sam 4, as they can be heard roaring menacingly at the player when firing their rockets. This is seen more evidently when they enter their 'berserk' state.
- The teleporting Major boss fight in Siberian Mayhem reuses the theme "Gladiator" from the Serious Sam 3 soundtrack, which was earlier used as the boss theme of the Witch-Bride of Achriman in the Serious Sam 4 level "Gates of Hell".
- In Siberian Mayhem, a secret variant of the Major, called the 'Hut On Chicken Legs', appears in the level "Roadside Picnic". This is a reference to Baba Yaga, a character from Slavic folklore.
- It could also be a reference to the 2018 fantasy novel The House With Chicken Legs.
- According to NETRICSA, the Major Bio-mechanoid is one of the heaviest enemies in the series.[5]
- Despite its large battery casing, the Major Bio-mechnoiad has the intellectual capability of a cockroach.[6]
Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]
Serious Sam: Next Encounter[]
Serious Sam: Double D[]
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter[]
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope[]
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]
I Hate Running Backwards[]
Serious Sam: Tormental[]
Serious Sam 4[]
List of appearances[]
- Serious Sam: The First Encounter (First appearance)
- Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
- Serious Sam: Xbox (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Next Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Double D (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Serious Sam: Double D: XXL (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam's Bogus Detour (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope
- I Hate Running Backwards (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Tormental (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam Classics: Revolution (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam 4
- Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem
- ↑ Serious Sam 4 NETRICSA description
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Serious Sam 3: BFE NETRICSA description
- ↑ Serious Sam Fusion loading screen trivia
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 The Art of Serious Sam 4, page 72
- ↑ In Serious Sam 4, NETRICSA states that the Major Bio-mechanoid's weighs approximately 181,806 kilograms
- ↑ Serious Sam Fusion loading screen trivia