Serious Sam Wiki
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The Machete is a melee weapon cut from Serious Sam 4.


The machete was a melee weapon with a long, broad blade that was meant to appear in Serious Sam 4 before the game's final release. It was eventually scrapped and replaced with the Combat Knife.

Behind the scenes[]

  • Despite being removed from the game, the machete still exists in the game's files, and can be viewed using the Serious Editor. It can also be placed into custom worlds, though it can't be used as a functioning weapon.
  • There exists a second model for the machete called "Machete_Projectile". This suggests that the weapon could be thrown as a projectile to attack enemies.[1] This was scrapped and replaced with the Sirian Artefacts of Might feature, and its respective skill, "Objection, Your Honor", which allows the player to use objects in the environment (such as road signs) as melee weapons or throw them at enemies with the secondary fire key.


  • According to text written on the machete's handle, it originates from Brazil.


List of appearances[]


  1. โ†‘ Content/SeriousSam4/Models/Weapons/Machete_Projectile.mdl