Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam 4.  This subject is from the Mental War era. 

The M2 Browning machine fun is a heavy machine gun that appears in Serious Sam 4.


The M2 Browning is a heavy machine gun that was used by the Earth Defense Force during the Mental War and Tunguska Offensive. It did not see much combat usage, and was only seen mounted on top of Humvees to provide support against enemy forces during combat missions. The M2 only appears during cutscenes and cannot be used by the player.


Jones can be seen using a Humvee-mounted M2 in the game's opening cutscene as the EDF convoy carrying Alien Artifact Acquisition personnel are heading to Rome to meet up with Father Mikhail. It is not seen for the remainder of the game.


List of appearances[]

External links[]

Wikipedia favicon M2 Browning machine gun on Wikipedia
