Serious Sam Wiki

The Laser Pistol is an energy weapon that appears in Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope. It is the first firearm Sam uses in the campaign and the first weapon the player spawns with when starting a new game.


The laser pistol shoots a green laser each tine the fire key is used. The beams fired by the laser pistol are slightly less powerful than the ones fired by the XL2 Lasergun. Repeatedly pulling the trigger makes the laser pistol fire lasers much faster. Like other handguns, it has infinite ammo. Compared to the SOP38 Pistol, the laser pistol is much more accurate, and the player doesn't need to aim down the sights to fire accurate shots or reload the weapon after firing.


The laser pistol is automatically obtained when starting a new game in singleplayer or co-op modes.


List of appearances[]
