Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam 4.  This subject is from the Mental War era. 

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"We called it project Rock'n'Roll. A powerful experimental weapon designed to provoke seismic activity. It hasn't been used in years, but I've got the access codes."
General Brand[src]

The H.A.A.R.P (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program), also known as project "Rock'n'Roll", is an experimental satellite designed for use as a Tectonic weapon. It was developed by the Earth Defense Force sometime prior to the outbreak of the Mental War.


Mount Vesuvius erupts

The effects the HAARP can have when the weapon is aimed at an active volcano.

The HAARP is an experimental weapon that is carried by a satellite. The weapon is equipped with its own targeting system, but if this system is inactive, the HAARP cannot activate or be used on its own. In the event that this occurs, the satellite's targeting system has to be set up manually on Earth, which is achieved by setting up targeting beacons. Once the beacons are deployed, it is then possible to set up the HAARP's instructions, coordinates and frequency settings.[1]

Once the HAARP has been activated, it will send out a powerful seismic shockwave that is capable of extremely damaging effects over a wide area. One such example was when it was used to force Mount Vesuvius near Pompeii to erupt; the resulting eruption flooded Pompeii with lava and caused widespread environmental damage in the vicinity,[2] and cause severe earthquakes and ground tremors.[3]


Serious Sam 4[]

Running low on options on how to escort Father Mikhail back into Rome while Lord Achriman's Octanian Raider fleet is domimating the airspace, the Alien Artifact Acquisition team suggest forcing Mount Vesuvius to erupt in order to ground Achriman's air forces, which would be involved by using the HAARP. Professor Gottlieb Kiesel objects to using it, seeing as using such a weapon is a dangerous move that could only result in chaos.[1] General Brand disagrees, and declares that the HAARP was designed to be used as an "earthquake machine". So, the team all agree (except for the professor) to set up targeting beacons to reactivate the HAARP array.

In Pompeii, Sam, Jones, Rodriguez and Kenny all set up 8 beacons to activate the HAARP. While the team get to work, Carter escorts Father Mikhail back into Rome to find the Holy Grail. Sam is succesful in setting up his two beacons, but gets word from Quinn that she hasn't received contact from Jones, and that his beacon's position appears to be mobile. Sam goes over to the ampitheatre, Jones's last known position, and discovers that a Khnum has captured him.[1] Upon confronting the beast, the Khnum devours both Jones and the beacon he was meant to set up. Sam kills the beast and sets up the final beacon. With all of them set, General Brand orders Quinn to activate the HAARP, despite Sam and the team having communication malfunctions and are not yet safely out of the area. Brand demands that the HAARP be activated anyway, and the satellite is powered up, sending a huge wave of energy down to Earth. Mount Vesuvius is immediately hit by the blast, and the volcano erupts and spews out a massive plume of lava and ash.[1]


  • The HAARP is portrayed vastly different in-game compared to its real life counterpart. Instead of being a powerful seismic weapon fired from a satellite, it is a high-frequency transmitter located in Alaska, which researches the ionosphere of Earth's atmosphere.
    • The HAARP is also the subject of many conspiracy theories, and it is believed by conspiracy theorists that the HAARP is used as a military weapon, or that the US government uses it to manipulate the weather or cause natural disasters like hurricanes, droughts or earthquakes.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Serious Sam 4 level: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
  2. Serious Sam 4 level: Gates of Hell
  3. Serious Sam 4 level: The Die is Cast

External links[]

Wikipedia favicon HAARP on Wikipedia

List of appearances[]
