Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: Tormental. 

The Freezegun is a weapon that appears in Serious Sam: Tormental.


The freezegun is a weapon that resembles the the Gun, but has a larger barrel with an icicle coming out of it. When fired, it fires five frozen projectiles that have a chance to partially or completely freeze the target, which slows them down or temporarily prevents movement.


The freezegun can be obtained from blue chests or bought from shops with keys.


  • While not as powerful as other weapons, the freezegun can still be useful in some situations, as well as to slow down or immoblize tough opponents like Cerebulls or Croakueens.
  • The weapon has high spread, which makes it useful for freezing multiple enemies at once at close range.
  • It is best to use the freezegun against small groups of tough enemies, as it won't be as effective in larger fights.

List of appearances[]
