Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: Tormental. 

The Circlefire is a weapon that appears in Serious Sam: Tormental.


The circlefire is an unusual weapon that fires bullets in a 360 degree radius when the player presses the fire key. The weapon has a very high rate of fire and deals damage very quickly, but continous usage of the weapon drains ammo quickly. The weapon also has relatively short range, requiring the player to get close to an enemy to unleash the weapon's potential.


The circlefire can be obtained from blue chests or bought from the gun shop with keys.


  • As the circlefire has terrible range, it is best reserved for small skirmishes, medium fights, or if the player is being overwhelmed with groups of enemies surrounding them from all directions.
  • The circlefire can be useful weapon if the player gets very close to an enemy. That way, they can deal a lot of damage with the weapon.
  • It is recommended for weak or medium targets like Gunrillas, Lizards, Croakueens or Red Widows. It is ill advised for the player to use the circlefire against melee enemies such as Cerebulls, as this puts them at risk of being damaged by their melee attacks.

List of appearances[]
