Serious Sam Wiki

"Ooh, batteries included!"
Sam Stone[src]

The CDF-ST-005 Plasmathrower is an energy weapon that appears in Seriously Warped Deathmatch and Serious Sam Classics: Revolution.


Hailing straight from the technologically advanced human colonies, the Colonial Defense Force standard 005 plasmathrower (created by the LanThief Plasmatics Corporation) was used by many colonial soldiers during the beginning of the war with Mental. Unfortunately, the technology to reproduce the weapons were lost along with the colonies.

Fueled by plasma cells, the plasmathrower can fire deadly plasma shots either one-by-one or use a special secondary fire mode, which can shoot multiple projectiles in a similar manner to a shotgun.

The Plasmathrower shares many similarities with its cousin, the XL2 Lasergun; both weapons fire lasers in an alternating pattern, with the Plasmathrower's being one from the left barrel, one from the right, then one from a third on top of the weapon. They also fire linear projectiles that move around the same speed and appear to be lasers, with the Lasergun's being green and the Plasmathrower's being red, as well as said projectiles being perfectly accurate.


Serious Sam Classics: Revolution[]

The Plasmathrower can be found as a secret in The Citadel, along with plasma packs. This weapon's ammo, however, is not replenished by ammo packs. On top of the fact that its ammo is only found in the level it's acquired in - in this case, The Citadel, makes the Plasmathrower's ammo scarce. This discrepancy is shared with the MKII-B Minelayer, likely due to the weapons using a new ammo type.

In the Bright Island campaign, it is obtained as a normal weapon in Ruins of the Abyss, where Geyser Golems also spawn after the player picks up said weapon.


  • As NETRICSA points out, the lasers from the plasmathrower differ from the lasergun's in that they explode on contact with an enemy. This can be used to deal with groups of small enemies in a much more ammo-efficient way than the Lasergun. As a trade-off, this weapon fires slower than the lasergun, so better precision is required not to miss and waste ammo.
  • If all eight shots from the alternate fire hit an enemy, this weapon does the most single-target damage of any weapon in Sam's arsenal bar the SBC Cannon and Serious Bomb, with 360 total damage. The player should use this to their advantage to quickly kill tough enemies such as Highlander Aludran Reptiloids, bigger variants of Golems, and Major and Dominant Bio-mechanoids, as well as hordes of Kleer Skeletons.
  • Unlike the primary fire, the oval-shaped blast of lasers from the alternate fire will travel slightly left of the crosshair, meaning aiming slightly to the right of some enemies is necessary to land all shots.
  • It is not recommended to use the weapon at close range due to the fact that the player will also take splash damage from its lasers.

Related achievements[]

Serious Sam Classics: Revolution[]

Achievement Plasma King
Plasma King
Find a secret Plasmathrower in The Second Encounter.


  • The name "LanThief" comes from a name of one of the creators of Seriously Warped Deathmatch, Christopher Kreager.
  • Despite the plasmathrower's lasers being red after being fired, the light caused by their explosions is a deep blue.
  • The plasmathrower and the MKII-B Minelayer are the only weapons in any first-person Serious Sam game to be located in the ninth weapon slot; in this case, the plasmathrower is located in slot 9.1. All other weapons are located between the first and eighth weapon slots.
    • Coincidentally, both are weapons that debuted in Seriously Warped Deathmatch and later appeared in Serious Sam: Revolution.


List of appearances[]
