Serious Sam Wiki

This subject appears in Serious Sam: The First Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: The Second Encounter.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Double D.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 3: BFE. This subject appears in Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope.  This subject appears in Serious Sam's Bogus Detour.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Tormental.  This subject appears in Serious Sam 4.  This subject appears in Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem. 

"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, the Bio-mechanoid's genetic programming may have been disrupted."
Professor Kiesel[src]

The Bio-mechanoids are a species of cyborgs encountered in the Serious Sam franchise.


Besides recruiting primitive races and animals, using robots and raising the dead, Mental also employs genetical engineering to provide special purpose forces for its armies. Bio-mechanoids are some of the harshest creatures raised in Mental's biological factories. They are created from a single cell of bird tissue which is implanted with pre-programmed chromosomes.[1] The cell is then put in large tanks of nutrient solution, where it starts dividing until it grows out to be a complete organism. Their genetic code has been modified so that it grows body structures which are similar to mechanical parts in structure. Those provide it with extreme power even under heavy conditions, and are subject to repairing using ordinary mechanical tools.[1]

The Bio-mechanoid requires very little nutrition to survive, and stores a significant amount of electrical energy in the large battery containment inside its head. This battery takes up a large amount of the creature's body, but it limits the Bio-mechanoid's intelligence and tactical processing to basic search-and-destroy operations.[2] This battery can be recharged by connecting it to an external source.[1]


Appearance-wise, Bio-mechanoids appear as large chunks of flesh anchored on two long mechanical legs. They have a small face in front of their body, and weapons are attached to the edges of the body. There are two types of Bio-mechanoid: the Minor Bio-mechanoid, which stands about 15 feet high and armed with lasers, and the Major Bio-mechanoid, which stands up to 30 feet high, is much tougher and armed with two rocket launchers. Despite their weak intellect, Bio-mechanoids can move quite quickly on their mechanical legs, and, thus, are able to single-handedly withstand entire units of human soldiers. Their mechanical legs contain servo rotors which are very loud when the Bio-mechanoid moves.[2]


  • In most pre-Serious Sam Fusion releases, an on-screen obituary message reading "A Biomech blew [player name] away." will appear if a player dies to any Bio-mechanoid in co-op.
  • According to Serious Sam 4 concept art, the Bio-mechanoid incorporates some of its DNA from a species of Marsh Hopper, a race of extremely hostile, amphibious aliens native to the planet Rigil Kentaurus.[3]



List of appearances[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ia icon Croteam official website (Archived)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Serious Sam 3: BFE Major Bio-mechanoid NETRICSA description
  3. The Art of Serious Sam 4, page 73