The Beheaded Kamikaze (Kamikaze Marine in Serious Sam: Next Encounter) is a recurring enemy encountered throughout the Serious Sam series.
Having appeared in every Serious Sam game since the series' inception, the Kamikaze has gained a reputation for perhaps being the most well-known (and revered) enemy in the franchise, largely owing to their frightening speed, the devastating damage dealt from their explosions, and of course, their signature scream.
The Beheaded Kamikaze appears as a headless, shirtless man wearing combat pants and boots. He is an executed Sirian soldier that has been raised from the dead by Mental using cyber-zombification technology.[1] The head of the Kamikaze has been ruined, therefore, he is employed for suicidal attacks.[1] He carries two primitive fragmentation grenades in his hands that are detonated upon impact with the target or when he is killed.
Like other beheaded soldiers, the Kamikaze is equipped with a life control unit, a mechanical device that controls the removed upper part of the central nervous system, this controls the Kamikaze and enables him to 'see' his targets.[1] The device includes crude sensory modules and a vocal synthesizer, which produces the Kamikaze's infamous "AAAAAAAA" scream.
Kamikazes are intended solely for suicidal attacks. This, in combination with their scream, can both confuse and instill fear in enemy forces. Like the other beheaded soldiers seen in Mental's armies, Kamikazes mostly serve as cannon fodder, to harass opposing forces, or to eliminate high-priority targets.
In Serious Sam: The Second Encounter, Kamikazes can be seen carrying a Rotating Cannon, suggesting that they have other uses in Mental's army besides suicidal attacks.[2]
Kamikazes, along with Kleer Skeletons, are one of the most frequently encountered enemies in the series. They often appear on the first levels all the way up to the end. In the final levels, they can be seen in large swarms, where several dozen Kamikazes may be encountered at once.
Like Kleers, Kamikazes are much more numerous when playing on Serious difficulty. Since they are encountered in larger numbers on this difficulty setting, along with the fact that their explosion deals a lot more damage, this makes Kamikazes all the more dangerous.
Kamikazes can sometimes be spawned as booby traps by picking up suspiciously placed items (i.e. an armor shard or health pill).
Serious Sam: Tormental[]
Kamikazes are encountered in the final stage of the game, Fortress.
Behavior and skills[]
Kamikazes have one purpose: they will run directly at the target, regardless of distance or location, until they are at a close enough range to detonate their explosives or are killed. This detonation occurs at an approximate radius of 2-3 feet. If killed, the Kamikaze will explode. Kamikazes are very fast, and tend to hunt in groups. In some games, it is not possible to outrun a Kamikaze, although the player can sprint away from them in games that implement sprinting mechanics, such as Serious Sam 3 or Serious Sam 4, or make use of the increased speed from Serious Speed power-ups.
The Kamikaze's implanted life control unit has limited AI and usually cannot discern obstacles, only some cliff faces or sheer drops, which can lead to them getting stuck regularly or receiving friendly fire. While extremely weak compared to bigger, tougher enemies, their explosions can devastate the player, ripping through armor and health. They are not immune to their own explosives, however, so the player can use this to their advantage when dealing with groups. If timed correctly, this can initate a chain reaction that sets off the entire swarm. Despite being very dangerous, Kamikazes can be useful assets, and the player can also cause them to blow up next to other enemies when lined up together.
Like Kleers, Kamikazes will sometimes perform flanking maneuvers to dodge the player's attacks when they merely put their crosshairs on them at medium to close range while rushing straight at the player at other times - this tactic may lead to groups of Kamikazes surrounding the player.
Serious Sam: Double D: XXL[]
In this title, an armored variant of the Kamikaze exists. He's slightly harder to kill than his regular counterparts, as the armor can deflect bullets and laser beams to a certain extent. They are still vulnerable to explosive weapons.
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]
Kamikazes behave the same in this game just like in every game in the series. A new variant of the Kamikaze, the Obsidian Elite Kamikaze, is exclusive to Serious Sam's Bogus Detour. He is far more dangerous than the common Kamikaze and has more health. If he is set on fire, he will sprint towards the player and explode.[3]
I Hate Running Backwards[]
Tier 2 Kamikazes in I Hate Running Backwards will drop a large bomb after death, which detonates after a few seconds.
- As Kamikazes cannot typically be avoided, they are top priority targets when other enemies are present when Kamikazes are at close to medium range. However, there are times when the enemies shielding Kamikazes may have to be taken out before the Kamikazes themselves. Since Kamikazes have low durability and do not have a ranged attack, they are a medium priority target at far range as enemies with more immediate attacks should be dealt with before them.
- If a Kamikaze is almost at detonation range, the player can fire at him once with a low-powered weapon, such as small-arms fire. Firing one shot (if he is at or close to full health) will make him flinch; causing him to halt for a moment and giving the player enough time to retreat out of the blast radius and finish him off. The same tactic can be used against groups of Kamikazes by shooting the one in front once and then killing it when the rest of the group catches him, taking out the whole swarm.
- It is possible to maneuver Kamikazes into the line of fire of other enemies to deal while the player is preoccupied with other enemies. Lead them into the path of a Major Bio-mechanoid's rockets or Minor Bio-mechanoid's lasers, put them between the player and a charging Sirian Werebull, or use them to block Kleer chainballs.
- Because Kamikazes explode upon death, it's ideal to have them explode near other targets, dealing damage or causing a chain reaction among other Kamikazes.
- Kill them first before focusing the player's attention on other enemies. Prioritize them more if they come in groups and are closing in within the player's position.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]
- Beheaded Kamikazes are extremely easy to kill, though because of their sheer numbers and their tendency to often rush in among other enemies, they should be dispatched first and foremost. Ideal weapons are the Thompson submachine gun or other automatic weapons, which can usually kill a Kamikaze with two bullets.
- Shotguns have limited effectiveness, as the player will require closer range to use these weapons effectively; it's typically better to use the much more accurate Schofields to eliminate the Kamikaze from far away.
- Explosives are also effective, but because of the Kamikaze's weakness, they are typically unnecessary.
- Unless Invulnerability is active, using melee weapons, such as the P-LAH Chainsaw or Military Knife, is not recommended. The player will be in the Kamikaze's blast radius and lose a significant portion of the player's health and/or armor if they use melee weapons.
- In The Second Encounter, the player can fire a shot of napalm from the XOP Flamethrower to stun Kamikazes if they get too close. While the Kamikaze is immobile from the fire damage, this gives the player a chance to escape before he explodes.
- The XM214-A Minigun is not recommended to use against Kamikazes unless the player is being overwhelmed by other enemies that will pose a threat. It's a waste of ammo, especially in Serious Sam HD, where the minigun can kill a Kamikaze in one shot.
- The XL2 Lasergun is fairly useful for large groups, as it only takes one beam to kill a Kamikaze. However, as ammunition for the weapon is uncommon throughout the games (especially in The Second Encounter), it is best to save the weapon for large hordes.
- For speedrunners, an alternative to rocket jumping is the "Kamikaze jump". It involves having a Kamikaze chase the player and then jumping right as soon as he explodes on the player. If timed right, the resulting explosion will launch the player upwards, giving them enough momentum to jump over an obstacle or reach higher ground, such as the ledge leading to the exit in the Tommygun room in "Valley of the Kings".
- Note that on Serious difficulty, this tactic can become riskier than rocket jumping as the Kamikaze will deal 60 damage to the player, whereas the rocket will only deal 50 splash damage.
Serious Sam 2[]
- The Auto Shotgun is great for a small quantity of Kamikazes.
- Groups of Kamikazes must be dealt with using the Uzi, XM214-A Minigun, or Beam Gun; their quick-fire rate is brilliant to dispatch a large quantity of Kamikazes.
- Since they are fairly weak, the Colt Anaconda is a viable option.
- Thanks to the latest patch, the player is able to sprint in this installment, which may come useful when trying to evade groups of Kamikazes.
Serious Sam: Double D[]
- For groups of Kamikazes, weapons like the 12 Gauge Shotgun and Thompson submachine gun work extremely well against them, and can destroy groups of them with ease.
- Another great weapon to use on large groups of Kamikazes is the 0-4377 Flamethrower, as it can easily burn the Kamikazes and destroy them very quickly.
- For armored Kamikazes, try and shoot at their backs whenever possible, as their armor only covers the front.
- Explosive weapons like the LM32 Rocket Launcher and MadDog Grenade Launcher are recommended against armored Kamikazes. The Thompson and XL4 Lasergun do not work very well against them.
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
- Thanks to the sprinting mechanic, this can allow the player to outrun groups of Kamikazes if running away in a straight line, avoiding sudden curves. This isn't always possible on higher difficulty settings.
- If the game settings are set too high, or if the player is using a low-performance PC, big groups of Kamikazes exploding at once can cause severe lag due to the gibs and dust clouds left behind from their explosions. This can render the player extremely vulnerable to more Kamikazes coming from the dust clouds and not give them enough time to react. A way to counteract this is by setting the graphics or particles to a lower value in the game menu.
- The M29 Infantry Assault Rifle and SOP38 Pistol work very well with small to medium-sized groups, especially when the player fires when aiming down the sights.
- As the 12 Gauge Pump-Action Shotgun has increased range in this installment, this makes it an effective anti-Kamikaze weapon from close to medium range. Just be sure to reload every now and then to make sure they don't get too close.
- The Sirian Mutilator is effective for dealing with small to medium-sized groups of Kamikazes. The player can only lasso up to five Kamikazes at once, but if timed right; this will create a large chain explosion after the charge has been released, blowing up any Kamikazes near the ones that have been targeted with the Mutilator.
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]
- Kamikazes are very fast in this installment and should be treated as first-priority targets just like in the other games.
- Kill Kamikazes when they are grouped with other enemies, as the Kamikaze's explosion can be used to injure or kill other enemies.
- Shotguns like the Auto Shotgun, pump shotgun, and Super Shotgun are very useful against groups of Kamikazes in small to medium groups.
- If Kamikazes are closing in, the player should keep their distance and dash away from them if necessary. Try not to get cornered when engaging Kamikazes.
- Kamikazes can be a useful asset for setting off mines in minefields, but be sure to not be near the Kamikazes or the mines when in the area.
Serious Sam 4/Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]
- The assault rifle and minigun are generally the best weapons for dealing with Kamikazes. Dual-wielded assault rifles and the minigun can easily finish off large groups of them, but it burns through ammunition quickly and the player should fire in bursts to improve accuracy.
- Since the lasergun and ammo for it are more common in this game compared to Serious Sam 3, the latter also makes an effective anti-Kamikaze weapon. Given the weapons' damage output, the player can take a out Kamikaze with the lasergun in one shot.
- The coach gun is arguably one of the best weapons for taking out large groups of Kamikazes. As the shotgun sees an improvement to overall range and reload time, the pellets can exceed past low range and take out Kamikazes at a safe enough distance. If the player times their shot right and most of the pellets land, they can cause a majority of the Kamikzes to explode, setting off a chain reaction that will take out most, if not the entire swarm.
- If the player is low on assault rifle or lasergun ammo, the grenade launcher or the GP-25 Kostyor works just as well on groups. The explosion will set off a chain reaction that will likely eliminate the entire group.
- The Autoshotgun is another great weapon for taking out Kamikazes. Since it doesn't need to be pumped after each shot, this makes it an even more reliable choice than the pump shotgun.
- During the mech segments, the player should dash out of the way of Kamikazes or eliminate them with the mech's miniguns or rocket launchers. Large groups of Kamikazes can quickly deplete the mech's health if the player isn't paying attention.
- Although it may be tempting, the XPMR "Burner" Raygun is less effective on groups of Kamikazes as the player can achieve the same explosive effects on Kamikaze hordes with any other weapon.
- If the player is riding an enemy, especially a slow or large one like the Common Aludran Reptiloid, Draconian Burner, Khnum or Major Bio-mechanoid, Kamikazes become high-priority targets as they can quickly wear down the monster's health if the player is not paying attention. The Draconian Burner's laser beam can take out a group of Kamikazes lined up together.
- Even if the player is riding a Sirian Werebull, the player should still be careful not to run into groups of Kamikazes as they can easily kill the Werebull. It is recommended to fire at the Kamikazes from afar to eliminate them and allow the Werebull to live longer before it eventually dies.
Related achievements[]
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
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Kill at least 5 headless kamikazes in one explosion. |
Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE[]
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Kill at least 5 headless kamikazes in one explosion. |
Serious Sam Fusion[]
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Kill at least 5 headless kamikazes in one explosion. |
Behind the scenes[]
- In Alpha, the Kamikaze had a model that was a lot different compared to the Test 1 version; he wore white shorts that resembled boxing shorts instead of pants and had black boots. He also had two tattoos; one on his chest and another on his back. The tattoo on his back depicted the face of an unknown creature.
- Alpha concept art of the Kamikaze depicts him with the same design, but he lacks the chest tattoo and has a wooden pike on his neck where his head used to be.
- In Test 1, the Kamikaze had a sharp metallic mechanism attached to his back. In the final version, this was replaced with a different object that connects from the back of his neck down to the end of the spinal column. Aside from this and a small pants and boots re-texturing, Kamikazes retained a very similar appearance to their final state, a trait shared among other headless enemies.
- "Kamikaze" is Japanese for "Divine Wind" (神風). It originally referred to two storms that each destroyed Mongolian invasion fleets bound for Japan. During the Second World War, however, it took on its now much more common meaning, referring to the suicidal attacks by Japanese aviators, mostly against American naval forces. This usage has since become common in American language to refer to suicidal attacks of any kind.
- The Kamikaze's scream is referenced in another Croteam game, The Talos Principle - as soon as the player completes the "Road of Death" puzzle and leaves it, they will be greeted by the ghost of a Messenger emitting the Kamikaze's scream, except distorted.
- Cutouts of the Serious Sam 4 rendition of the Kamikaze can also be found as an Easter egg in the sequel, The Talos Principle 2. If the player tries to leave the map by going south of the Pandora monument in Circular Oasis (South 3), three cardboard cutouts of the Kamikaze will suddenly pop up to surprise the player.[4]
- In most Serious Sam games, Kamikazes are referred to as "Beheaded Kamikazes", but in other cases, they are referred to as "Headless Kamikazes".
- Sam mocks the Kamikaze's scream at least two times in the series. The first instance of this is when is in the second level in The First Encounter (Sand Canyon), and again in the first level in Serious Sam 3.
- In some games, Kamikazes have appeared in various ways in secrets. In The Second Encounter, one secret shows him disguised as a bush, and another appearing as a much larger version carrying massive bombs (which turn into Lava Golem rocks). When the colossal Kamikaze explodes, he has a massive explosion radius and this can severely wound or even kill the player at medium range. Secret large Kamikazes also appear in Jewel of the Nile and Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem.
- In most pre-Fusion releases, if a player dies to a Kamikaze in co-op, an on-screen obituary message reading "[player name] fell victim of a Kamikaze" will appear.
- In Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter, it's curiously replaced by "[player name] is missing in action" instead, although if the player kills a Kamikaze and then blows themselves up with a rocket or grenade at the same time, the on-screen obituary message will instead read, "[player name] was blown away."
Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]
- In the classic and Xbox releases of The Second Encounter, it's possible for a Kamikaze to do a proper death animation instead of exploding if he is alive when Mordekai the Summoner is defeated. However, his death animations are reused from other Beheaded soldiers.
- In the original version of Serious Sam HD, it's actually possible to exploit the coding to "ride" Kamikazes, by timing a careful jump. If performed correctly, the player will land on top of the Kamikaze, and they will continue to try and chase the player above fruitlessly.
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
- Enemies (along with the player) can be killed by a provoked Sandwhale if they're within its range. Due to the nature of the Sandwhale's insta-death mechanic, gibbing is not possible. Since Kamikazes do not have a death animation, they will simply default to an idle state and will not react to anything if killed this way. This can be easily observed with god mode enabled.
Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]
- The Halloween Update skin for the Kamikaze depicts him carrying orange bombs with the bomb face paint from the Serious Sam 2 rendition of the Kamikaze.
- His Christmas skin instead depicts him carrying blocks of dynamite.
Game covers[]
Serious Sam: The First Encounter/Serious Sam: The Second Encounter[]
Serious Sam: Next Encounter[]
Serious Sam Advance[]
Serious Sam 2[]
Serious Sam: Double D[]
Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack![]
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter[]
Serious Sam 3: BFE[]
Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter[]
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour[]
Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope[]
I Hate Running Backwards[]
Serious Sam: Tormental[]
Serious Sam 4/Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem[]
List of appearances[]
- Serious Sam: The First Encounter (First appearance)
- Serious Sam (Palm OS) (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
- Serious Sam: Xbox (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Next Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam Advance (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam 2 (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam HD: The First Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Double D (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Kamikaze Attack! (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: The Random Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam 3: BFE
- Serious Sam: The Greek Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Double D: XXL (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam VR: The First Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam VR: The Second Encounter (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam's Bogus Detour (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope
- Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE (non-canonical appearance)
- I Hate Running Backwards (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam Classics: Revolution (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam: Tormental (non-canonical appearance)
- Serious Sam 4
- Serious Sam: Siberian Mayhem
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 NETRICSA description
- ↑ Serious Sam: The Second Encounter level: "Land of the Damned"
- ↑ Obsidian Elite Kamikaze NETRICSA description
- ↑
Kamikaze cutout Easter egg in The Talos Principle 2 on YouTube